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Off topic: Women can learn a smell 100,000 X better then men – Aug 2017

Why Stinky Socks May Bother Women More Than Men NYT

  • “It’s entirely plausible that a woman could perceive an odor which is – for the woman – overpoweringly awful, while a man doesn’t smell anything.”
  • “. . found that with repeated exposure, the women’s ability to detect the odors improved 100,000-fold: the women were able to detect the odor at a concentration 1/100,000th of the concentration they needed at the beginning of the study. But the male subjects, on average, showed no improvement at all in their ability to detect the odor.”
Millions of cells WomenMen
Olfactory bulb 16.2 9.2
Smell neurons 6.93.5
Glial cells9.3 5.7

NYT article appears to be extracted from a book which the author updated in Aug 2017:
Why Gender Matters, Second Edition: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences Amazon

Table of Contents


Note on another sense: Apparently women can have 4 color receptors while men have only 3

Women typically have more names for colors than men

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday November 22, 2017 02:41:43 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

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8366 Vision - gender.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2017 32.25 Kb 2466
8365 Gender matters - table of contents.jpg admin 30 Aug, 2017 39.23 Kb 912