
Sleep improved by Vitamin D and B vitamins (2 hour interview) - Feb 2021

Can’t Sleep? Sleep Doctor Says Vitamin D & Nutrition Can Help Fix Viscous Cycle of Bad Sleep

The 2 hour interveiw of Dr. Gominak is available in both video and audio formats

  • 05:35 Your body is self-assembling and it is self-repairing every night.
  • 05:48 Sleep disorders increased in the 80s when we moved indoors or used sun screen outdoors, impacting vitamin D levels.
  • 06:25 Sleep disorders expedite ageing, even in children.
    • You age faster when you have a sleep disorder. You don’t get a sleep disorder because you are old.
  • 07:40 Sleep disorders are an endocrinologic disorder.
  • 09:48 Rebuilding and balancing the microbiome reinstates the normal chemical building blocks of sleep.
  • 11:00 Dr. Gominak has young patients no REM sleep and daily headaches. It is not an airway problem.
  • 12:20 Pantothenic acid is made only by your microbiome. In your body, it becomes acetylcholine.
  • 12:50 Sleep apnea and insomnia are characterized by poor body chemistry for sleep.
  • 13:25 We have 4 complicated linked sleep switches. They are to stick together and are supposed to be either on or off, nothing in between.
  • 14:22 Our sleep switches send chemicals to speak to other switches.
  • 14:52 Vitamin D feeds the gut bugs that make B vitamins and a plethora of other things that we have yet to discover. The vagus nerve directly connects our gut bugs to our brains.
  • 17:00 Our sleep switches are made of a biologic set of cells that require maintenance very night during deep sleep.
    • Over a period of years of lack of deep sleep, the switches become less efficient.
  • 18:10 Dr. Gominak sees sleep apnea, requiring c-pap is an end stage disease.
  • 20:00 Nasal congestion occurs in children who are vitamin D deficient, making them mouth breathers.
  • 20:20 Our first 15 years of development requires that our mouths be closed during the night.
    • Every night the tongue sends feedback signals directing growth to the brain.
    • Growth takes place only during sleep. You have to get into deep sleep.
  • 21:15 When the mouth is open during sleep, the tongue is not where it is supposed to be.
    • The jaw and the rest of the face will not develop normally.
  • 22:00 The chemistry of the brain plays a part in sleep disordered children. The young child who is tired and cranky in the morning transitions into the teenager who cannot fall asleep. The sleep disorder shifts. This occurs even when intervention widens the airway.
  • 23:20 If you give your body the proper raw materials and encourage the person to listen to their body, brain knows what to do to fix itself eventually.
  • 26:30 Using crutches, like medication, while healing this disorder with vitamins, can be helpful.
    • Once you are asleep, the brain can begin making its own chemicals.
  • 29:40 Vitamins don’t fix people. They can help or hurt, but they are not the answer. You need to be asleep to apply them to repair.
  • 36:40 B Vitamins play a huge role in our sleep. They are needed to make neurotransmitters.
  • 37:20 Vitamin D, in enough abundance to make gut bugs happy,
    • and B100 (a dose of all 8 B vitamins) brings back the microbiome in 3 months.
  • 37:40 A normal gut microbiome is needed to make all 8 B vitamins.
    • B vitamins were originally discovered as bacterial growth factors. The right gut bugs are required for dietary manipulations to be effective.
  • 42:00 B vitamins come from gut bugs, not your food. The more you wash food, the more you wash off the vitamins.
  • 42:30 The 8 B vitamins are created as an 8-pack in specific ratios. They interlock all of our biological processes. Your ancestors didn’t take vitamins. They also didn’t scrub their vegetables and they were outside growing or gathering their own.
  • 46:00 B5 paralyzes us for sleep, it allows us to transition between phases of sleep, helps us pay attention/concentrate, and it runs our frontal lobe.
    • Dr. Gominak believes that the production of B5 is in the small intestine, not the colon, because it is a constant.
  • 52:20 Children who develop autism have an abnormal immune system. Their D is low and their microbiome population is altered.
  • 54:14 The endocannabinoid system in autistic children is out of whack, impacting their pain system. They are acetylcholine deficient and endocannabinoid deficient. Their sleep is bad and their microbiome is bad.
  • 55:50 Normal sleep is needed to improve the functioning of an autistic child.
  • 58:41 Your microbiome is responsible for 100 different things that have to do with making immune cells. Dr. Gominak’s protocol is designed to put the microbiome and immune system back together.
  • 01:06:34 When we vaccinate people with the wrong immune system for COVID, their immune system will react differently.
  • 01:11:13 If you have autoimmune disease, each immunization risks flaring the condition. The normal response to a vaccine is an inflammatory response
  • 01:18:40 B5 becomes Coenzyme A that becomes cortisol.
    • There is something synergistic about vitamin D and B5
  • 01:23:49 Acetylcholine is responsible for our ability to concentrate during the day and responsible for our ability to enter sleep, stay in sleep and get paralyzed in sleep. People who smoke and feel normal, have an acetylcholine deficiency state. Acetylcholine has nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.
  • 01:27:40 Acetylcholine is a major player in the parasympathetic nervous system/rest and digest.
  • 01:30:02 Improper heartrate variability means that your sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive. Perhaps this is from an imbalance caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine.
  • 01:32:00 Acetylcholine/Anti-Inflammatory Pathway: Stimulating the vagal nerve tells the spleen to release T-cells. The T-cells go into your bloodstream and tissues to release choline acetyltransferase, the final enzyme that makes acetylcholine.
  • 01:32:36 Acetylcholine, not only acts like a neurotransmitter, it acts as an anti-inflammatory hormone. It allows us to change our immune system response minute to minute.
  • 01:34:31 You never get autoimmune disease or hyperallergic response if you have a normal microbiome and a normal vitamin D level.
  • 01:35:08 Some scientist believe that ADD, as well as autism, is a disease of acetylcholine deficiency. They have lower nicotinic acetylcholine levels.
  • 01:37:07 The endocannabinoids and acetylcholine are linked into the inflammatory system.
  • 01:38:00 Your microbiome makes your serotonin, using D and pyridoxine.
  • 01:41:10 D2 is not the same as D3. Every animal on the planet makes D3. D2 interrupts sleep. The studies on using D to prevent/treat disease are highly flawed. Ideal levels are subjective according to what process research is trying to impact.
  • 01:44:00 A vitamin D blood level of between 60 – 80 (ng) is optimal for a sleep disordered person. There are vitamin D receptors in the brain and it effects sleep.
  • 01:44:50 The accurate vitamin D testing method is the LCMS. Dr. Gominak recommends testing your D blood levels every month for a long time so you can be sure where it is.
  • 01:54:37 Vitamin D works directly upon the pituitary. It runs the hormones that make us fertile. It interacts with the thyroid to make your metabolism reduce in the winter.
  • 01:55:40 125-OH, when sitting on a receptor on the cell nucleus in the brain, makes certain proteins be expressed that are designed to repair the DNA damage resulting from UVB light hitting the skin.
  • 01:56:30 Each hormone in your body is designed to have a unique affect on each organ that has that receptor.
  • 01:59:00 Dr. Gominak has a workbook on her website for you to use. It’s complicated.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday May 24, 2021 15:36:43 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)