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Vitamin D2 and Calcipotriol (psoriasis drug) increase Vitamin D3 getting to cells – June 2018

Confirmation of high-throughput screening data and novel mechanistic insights into VDR-xenobiotic interactions by orthogonal assays

(Nature) Scientific Reports | (2018) 8:8883 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-27055-3


This study looked at the interaction of many drugs and toxins with the Vitamin D Receptor
Vitamin D Receptor is one of 5 Vitamin D genes invisible to blood test

See in VitaminDWiki

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Endogenous CYP24A1 induction in HL-60 cells by compounds in the presence of 3nM Vitamin D3:

Improves the Vitamin D Receptor Response

(a) VDR agonists: as % increase of D3
    Note: Calcipotriol treats Psoriasis - by increasing the D3 getting to cells

% of Vitamin D Receptor Response relative to D3

Example: Cadmium (toxic) reduces response to just 12% of normal

Debabrata Mahapatra1, Jill A. Franzosa5, Kyle Roell2, Melaine Agnes Kuenemann2, Keith A. Houck 5, David M. Reif 2, Denis Fourches2 & Seth W. Kullman3,4 swkullma at ncsu.edu
1 Comparative Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
2 Department of Chemistry, Bioinformatics Research Center, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
3 Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
^Program in Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
5 National Center for Computational Toxicology, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, RTP, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

High throughput screening (HTS) programs have demonstrated that the Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is activated and/or antagonized by a wide range of structurally diverse chemicals. In this study, we examined the Tox21 qHTS data set generated against VDR for reproducibility and concordance and elucidated functional insights into VDR-xenobiotic interactions. Twenty-one potential VDR agonists and 19 VDR antagonists were identified from a subset of >400 compounds with putative VDR activity and examined for VDR functionality utilizing select orthogonal assays. Transient transactivation assay (TT) using a human VDR plasmid and Cyp24 luciferase reporter construct revealed 20/21 active VDR agonists and 18/19 active VDR antagonists. Mammalian-2-hybrid assay (M2H) was then used to evaluate VDR interactions with co-activators and co-regulators. With the exception of a select few compounds, VDR agonists exhibited significant recruitment of co-regulators and co-activators whereas antagonists exhibited considerable attenuation of recruitment by VDR. A unique set of compounds exhibiting synergistic activity in antagonist mode and no activity in agonist mode was identified. Cheminformatics modeling of VDR-ligand interactions were conducted and revealed selective ligand VDR interaction. Overall, data emphasizes the molecular complexity of ligand-mediated interactions with VDR and suggest that VDR transactivation may be a target site of action for diverse xenobiotics.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday July 2, 2018 16:29:17 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 11)

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10072 Antagonists.jpg admin 02 Jul, 2018 37.01 Kb 776
10071 Improve VDR.jpg admin 02 Jul, 2018 56.48 Kb 406
10070 Inhibit CYP24A1.jpg admin 02 Jul, 2018 74.44 Kb 802
10069 VDR and Toxins.pdf admin 02 Jul, 2018 1.43 Mb 1417