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World Osteoporosis Day sponsored by Big Pharma – does not give good sun or vitamin D info Oct 20 2013

5 of the 6 sponsors of World Ostoporosis Day are Big Pharma

Cannot expect much discussion of non-patentable solutions with those sponsors
pfizer, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, Lilly, Merek,
Their aim is to have you pay them lots of money to treat osteoporosis.
They do not want you to prevent osteoprosis with vitamin D at a tiny cost, none of which they would get.


Only 10 minutes a day of sun is enough!!

Ignores time of the day, time of the year, latitude   (2X more time is needed when your shadow is as long as you are)
Ignores skin color (dark skin needs 4X as much time)
Ignores age (seniors need 3X as much time)
Ignores weight (Obese need 3X as much time)
Ignores standing vs. lying down (3.5X more time in California if standing)
Ignores amount of skin covered by clothing, sunscreen

Their exact question (in a 1 minute test to see if you might get osteoporosis)

Do you spend less than 10 minutes per day outdoors (with part of your body exposed to sunlight), without taking vitamin D supplements?

A better question

Do you spend less than 30 minutes per day outdoors (with more than half of your body exposed to noonday sun), without taking at least 800 IU vitamin D supplements?

  • Note: 800 IU is the minimum recommended amount of vitamin D for US seniors
    800 IU is not really enough, but it is far better than the 400 IU in most mulitvitamin capsules

The questionnaire also

Ignores the need for 500 mg of Calcium
Ignores the need for other cofactors for strong bones (Magnesium, etc)

See also VitaminDWiki

Minutes of sun to get 40 ng of vitamin D

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