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most think D3 is much better than D2, but there is controversy
includes: Bone, Cancers, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Kidney, Lupus, MS, Obesity, RA, TB; OTHER
Food, mushrooms, fish, milk, see also Forms of D and D3 vs D2
support vitamin D going mainstream in HMO, Employers, Insurance companies, etc.
Therapeutic window: enough, but not too much - over a long time
Definitions, equations, Marshall protocol
see also Autism
Increased change of dying if vit D deficient, teleomeres
Large presentation
Little or no vitamin D can be made by the sun when your shadow is longer than you are. See also: UV and D
Presentations on vitamin D - generally recorded with audio and hosted on VitaminDWiki
includes dimentia, falling See also other categories: Bone health, Osteoporosis, RA, Diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular, ...
Faster reaction time and more strength when have higher level of vit D
Do not take too much vitamin D without taking cofactors. See Supplements sub categories Also be aware that vit A might thwart vitamin D
Technical reference, usually read by medical professionals
Papers to be reviewed, perhaps make a web page from the file which includes abstract, and some graphics.
tanning beds, sun lamps, and reptile bulbs see also Noontime Sun
Most animals need vitamin D, many make it in their fur and feathers
and Seasonal Affective Disorder, Depression - summer in Arab states
Vitamin D Workshop
Reference files for book