
Sports and D

Faster reaction time and more strength when have higher level of vit D
Multiple select
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1259
average age 15. Outdoor athletes were not as deficient
Good review - authors are very cautious about recommending more than the current upperLimit
Excellent paper with lots of figures - see Wiki with same name
2009 - abstract is in Wiki
2010 VDR
Cannell 2009 one of many by this author
In Davis California 2009
Even in late afternoon 2009
NYT Sept 2009 runners with UV " improved by an impressive 7.4 percent."
2009 editorial 2 pg by Holick in Menopause Journal
2008 20 pages seems like a very low level
2010 abstract
Cannell of vitamin D council May 2009
2009 two abstracts
2007 probably Cannell of vitamin D council abstract
March 2007 Vitamin D Newsletter of Vitamin D Council