Toggle Health Problems and D

Cancer - Prostate

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  ID T Name Size Created / Uploaded Hits
1252 Vitamin D may block prostate metastatic mechanisms - Grant 2008
33.15 KB 30 Jun, 2010 1597
968 meteorological and prostate cancer
Yes, can imagine the correlation between weather and prostate, but only thru vitamin D, not temperature
636.90 KB 25 Apr, 2010 1089
967 Vitamin D not associated with Prostate Cancer - March 2010
224.33 KB 25 Apr, 2010 2094
894 Prostate interventions Schwartz - 2008
downloaded Grassroots 2009
328.43 KB 01 Apr, 2010 2307
606 Vit D trials with prostate cancer theory to therapy
Feb 2009 abstract
3.34 KB 26 Feb, 2010 840
604 Review of vit D and prostate Cancer
2009 abstract
3.35 KB 26 Feb, 2010 805
603 VDR lack of evidence of risk of prostate cancer
June 2009 note opposite conclusion by another VDR paper
3.32 KB 26 Feb, 2010 764
353 RCT no assoc 24 ng vitamin d and prostate cancer - 2007
only went up to 24 ng/ml Need much more
53.28 KB 13 Feb, 2010 1592
351 Vitamin D and Prostate - 2008
76.91 KB 13 Feb, 2010 961
238 Vitamin D and asymptomatic PSA - 2009
3.46 KB 05 Feb, 2010 807
234 Multicountry Prostate Cancer
Grant 2004
162.16 KB 05 Feb, 2010 2014
143 Vitamin D and Prostate - 2008
2008 Hollis et all no vit D added tiny seasonal affect
198.92 KB 01 Feb, 2010 1390
128 Meta-analysis vitamin D and prostate cancer - 2009 PDF
491.88 KB 01 Feb, 2010 4033