
10 Vitamin D Myths - GrassrootsHealth July 2023

MYTHS from GrassrootsHealth

Vitamin D is essential for our health. Know what is true and what is not so you can make the most of vitamin D for YOUR health!
Original, in English, has graphics


Vitamin D IS fat soluble, but is not stored as a means of maintaining healthy blood levels, so is needed on a regular basis. In fact, the more fat a person has on their body, the more likely they are to have D deficiency.

  • “You don’t need to supplement with vitamin D because it is stored in your fat cells for use.”

Is this true? The fat storage for use debate…

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Toxicity is rare! It can be seen when taking too much D, such as 50,000 lU/day or more over 6 months or longer. Supplementing is considered safe*; testing D levels is important when taking higher doses.
“Careful not to take too much, vitamin D can be easily toxic.”
Is this true? How much is too much?…
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Almost all who get only the RDA of 400-600 lU/day of vitamin D are deficient! Studies demonstrate the need for roughly 10 times more than the current daily recommendation.

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There is a higher risk of deficiency among certain individuals (darker skin, higher BMI, older age). Many other factors also influence how each person responds to D, making it useful for everyone to test their levels. Test from home: grassrootshealth.net/test
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It is possible to get enough D from sun and food alone (such as for native African tribes and some outdoor workers) but it is very unlikely for most. Nearly everyone requires a vitamin D supplement to avoid deficiency.
le to get enough D from sun and food alone (such as for native African tribes and some outdoor workers) but it is very unlikely It is d alone (such as for native African tribes and some outdoor workers) but it is very unlikely for most. Nearly everyone requires a vitamin D supplement to
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High levels of vitamin D DO NOT cause kidney stones. Recent studies have shown that people with low levels of D are more than twice as likely to develop a kidney stone!

  • there is a very small group of individuals with rare conditions, such as primary hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis, and other granulomatous disorders, who may need to be cautious with vitamin D intake

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MYTH #7: Taking Vitamin D Makes Other Nutrients Deficient

“Supplementing with vitamin D can cause deficiencies in other nutrients”
Is this true? Can taking vitamin D create a co-nutrient imbalance?...

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MYTH #8: Vitamin D Supplementation Never has Side-Effects

“Vitamin D supplementation has the same safety for everyone”
Is this true? Unfortunately, no. While it is true that the majority of individuals have no issues when taking vitamin D (in fact, many notice improvements in how they feel), there is a very small percentage of people who do experience unwanted side-effects. There are several rare but very real situations in which individuals with certain conditions may experience what seems to be a hypersensitivity to vitamin D supplementation, and sometimes, to the sun as well.

People with Primary Hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), Sarcoidosis, and other Granulomatous Disorders should take extra caution with vitamin D. If you know or suspect that you have any of these conditions, or if you experience what feels like a hypersensitivity or negative effects due to vitamin D, please work with your health care provider to address these conditions, and work with them to safely resolve any existing vitamin D deficiency.

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MYTH #9: The Same Amount of Vitamin D is Good for Everyone

“Everyone needs the same amount of vitamin D”
Is this true? Most definitely not… everyone responds differently to sun and supplements, AND, each person may have unique health needs that may require higher vitamin D levels to target, such as for cancer.

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MYTH #10: The Hormonal Vitamin D is the Only Form that Benefits Us

“The only active form of vitamin D and the only one important to our health is the hormonal form”. Is this true? Certainly not! The common misconceptions concerning the 3 main forms of vitamin D found in our body...

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9+ pages of MYTHS in VitaminDWiki

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10 Vitamin D Myths - GrassrootsHealth July 2023        
445 visitors, last modified 24 Jul, 2023,
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