Update Alaska recommends more vitamin D: Infancy 800 IU, Pregnancy 1400 IU (avoid rickets) Sept 2018
Update Feb 2013 Alaska House Bill 90 Vitamin D newborn testing
- Rep. Paul Seaton, R-Homer, keeps Costco-sized bottles of vitamin D in his office for anyone who may be lacking and plans to hand them out to fellow legislators, as he's done in the past.
- About 11,000 babies are born each year in Alaska. Seaton proposes to make the tests mandatory but allow parents to opt out. He estimated 10,000 babies would be tested during the one-year study period.
- He's working on an arrangement with GrassrootsHealth, a public health organization based in San Diego County, to handle the tests for $30 each, much less than the cost if the state did the work directly, he said.
March 2011 HCR 5 2011 Alaska
HCR 5 calls upon the State of Alaska to adopt a prevention model of public health by increasing awareness about vitamin D deficiency, testing and supplementation. There was much discussion about the implications of the resolution, including the potential population benefits of instituting a public health initiative related to vitamin D and prevention of chronic disease. Department of Health and Social Services Commissioner William Streur and members of the committee expressed their appreciation for bringing this issue to the forefront. The resolution was held in committee so more in-depth discussion could take place to address some of the concerns Commissioner Streur and the other members had.
10 minute Video of Seaton, Baggerly and Heaney Feb 28, 2011
Seaton gave out a voucher for a free bottle of vitamin D and had about 1/3 of the Alaska House members take him up on it
Representative.Paul.Seaton at akleg.gov
Updated March 2014
 Download March 2014 PDF from VitaminDWiki.
 Download Senior Health Issues Nov 2014 PDF from VitaminDWiki.
 Download Alaska rickets increase with latitude - 2014 PDF from VitaminDWiki.
- Alaska latitude: 50º to 73º
- Rickets increased 2.3 fold for every 4º increase
- approx 10X more rickets in Northern Alaska
Video of Senator Paul Seaton talking about Vitamin D sometime in 2014
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD0MJvf5Lyg 22 minutes
Alaska health care costs rising fast - 2011 report
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.
The state’s health-care spending has been rising fast, tripling since 1990 and jumping 40% just between 2005 and 2010 and at current trends it could double by 2020, reaching more than $14 billion.
Very cost effective to give vitamin D free to every Alaskan
Cost of medical care per Alaskan - $10,000/year
Cost to give Vitamin D free to every Alaskan for a year = $25 ($0.20/capsule, 25 capsules/year, 5X the cost of capsule for overhead)
5% Reduction in medical care cost due to the extra vitamin D (extremely conservative)
Does Less Sun mean More Disease video shows 3X fewer doctor after vitamin D levels were raised
So very conservative cost savings would be 5% X $10,000 = $500
Return on investment = 20X ($500/$25)
Total dollars
Alaska would then pay $20 milllion to give Vitamin D to every Alaskan (750,000 population X $25 per person)
and would save at least $400 million (ROI = 20X)
See also VitaminDWiki
- all items in Far from Equator
125 items - all items in Canada and vitamin D
51 items - Inuit preschoolers were very vitamin D deficient – Aug 2010
- Vitamin D and Inuit (dark skin) – April 2012
- 90 % of Canadian youth less than 30 ng vitamin D – Oct 2010
- Vitamin D blood levels of Canadians – Jan 2013
- Autism is a big problem for people with dark skin living a long way from equator - example Somali in Alberta Canada
- Economic burden of premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada not Alaska, but close
- Dark skinned pregnant women far from equator were very vitamin D deficient – Sept 2012
- Disadvantaged get less sun and have poor health in the North– Aug 2011
- People with no UV for 6 months in the winter need at least 2000 IU of vitamin D – April 2011
- Vitamin D Testers coming soon (low cost and easy) - June 2014
by 2016 vitamin D tests should be very low cost and accessable anywhere in Alaska- Suggest more vitamin D above the Arctic Circle – May 2013
UV Index must be greater than 3 ( above the green) to generate any vitamin D
People in Anchorage get no vitamin D from the sun for 8 months of the year
- CLICK HERE for other US UV index
100% of Alaskans are in one high risk category: Far from Equator
30% of Alaskans are in a second high risk category: Dark Skin
Alaskan Resolutions to increase vitamin D17338 visitors, last modified 11 Dec, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 5023 Alaska health care costs rising fast - 2011.pdf admin 04 Feb, 2015 2.13 Mb 1414 5022 Alaska Rickets.pdf admin 04 Feb, 2015 104.58 Kb 1247 5014 HCR-5 Senior Health Issues - Nov 2014.pdf admin 03 Feb, 2015 137.83 Kb 1370 5013 HCR 5 March 2014.pdf admin 03 Feb, 2015 957.43 Kb 1281 390 homer cloudy.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 19.87 Kb 1246 388 races color code.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 4.71 Kb 3736 387 Alaska race pie chart.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 82.92 Kb 6312 386 Length of day in Fairbanks.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 19.12 Kb 1255 385 Homer Alaska.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 39.50 Kb 2262 384 Paul Seaton.png admin 05 Jan, 2011 39.10 Kb 4566 - all items in Canada and vitamin D