Autism Causes, Prevention and Treatment: Vitamin D Deficiency and the Explosive Rise of Autism Spectrum Disorder
By John Cannell M.D.
192 pages, $19 Hardback only
From Amazon
Autism affects 1 in every 68 American newborns. Cases of autism are increasing at a rate of 12% every year and families spend up to $100,000 per year to manage this disease; lifetime expenses may exceed $3 million per sufferer. What has changed to cause this rapid rise in the incidence of autism spectrum disorder? Who s the most susceptible? And what can be done about it?
In this truly groundbreaking work, autism researcher John Cannell, MD, provides the most comprehensive and compelling explanation to date regarding the causes, prevention strategies, and treatment protocols that, in many cases, reverse autistic symptoms.
Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council, draws on decades of research to make the strong case that vitamin D is very important in preventing autism and that high doses of vitamin D can be quite successful in treating some people with an autism spectrum disorder. He provides a thorough explanation of the relationship between autism and vitamin D, dispels many of the existing theories related to causes of autism, and presents a solid foundation for a revolutionary new approach to preventing and treating autism. Also included is a thorough discussion about obtaining safe levels of vitamin D through supplementation, sunlight, and diet. Heartwarming and encouraging case studies round out this innovative new book.
See also VitaminDWiki
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (80 – 120 ng) – Cannell update May 2018
- Autism decreased in 8 out of 10 children supplemented with vitamin D – April 2015 Cannell was a co-author
- Most Autism Risk factors are associated with low vitamin D - March 2014
- Autism and Vitamin D - Dr. Cannell in Life Extension Mag - Jan 2014
- Overview Autism and vitamin D
- Book on Sports and vitamin D - Aug 2011 by Dr. Cannell
- Autism treated by Vitamin D: Dr. Cannell - video June 2013 includes many reasons why he believes Autism is related to Vitamin D
- Both have strong inheritance features – Vitamin D about 60%
- Both have gotten substantially worse in last 30 years
- Vitamin D is known to be involved in brain development
- All autistic children are VitD deficient, but not all children who are deficient are autistic: genes are involved
- When giving vitamin D to cure children of rickets “mental dullness” decreases as well
- Children with genes which give them too much (Williams Syndrome) have to reverse of autism – too sociable
- Mothers having lots of fish (and thus more vitamin D) give birth to kids with less autistic symptoms
- Both associated with weak bones
- Both worse around the age of weaning
- Autism is more common in rich families – more likely to apply sun screen and stay indoors
- Autism increases with drugs which lower levels of vitamin D
- Seizures are common with Autism - Vitamin D has been shown to reduce seizures
- Fewer autistic symptoms (such as sleep problems) during summer: when child gets more vitamin D from the sun
- Both worse with latitude
- Both vary with Ultraviolet light
- Both vary with time of year (more birth of autistics in March in Northern hemisphere)
- 2X more urban autism – less UVB in urban environments
- Both worse with pollution
- Both worse with increased clouds and rain
- Both worse with closely spaced pregnancies
- Autistics have abnormal immune response – similar to that of vitamin D deficiency
- Low levels of vitamin D in mother animals reduces brain function in offspring
- Vitamin deficient rat pups have similar brain abnormalities to that of human autistic children
- Autistic children get less vitamin D in their blood for the same amount of sun exposure
- The 4 males/1 female ratio - Note estrogen increases vitamin D in the brain (testosterone does not)
- Both worse in African Americans (A-A 2-3 increased autism rate)
- Both worse in Dark-skinned immigrants in Europe
- Note: All articles in Autism category
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