
Better sperm if have higher level of vitamin D

Hypothesis: Increased Vitamin D is linked to better sperm and increased fertility

This page has information of the many things which are known to decrease vitamin D which are also noticed to decreased fertility and sperm quality

   Season, Smoking, Obesity, Kidney failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Lack of sunshine, Age, Alcohol, and Stress, big increase in past 50 years

See wiki page on hypothesis factors

There are also several items below documenting the association between low level of vitamin D with low fertility/low sperm count

Select categories on the left to read about its relationship to vitamin D

Feb 2010 - Vitamin D receptor and vitamin D metabolizing enzymes are expressed in the human male reproductive tract.

Hum Reprod. 2010 May;25(5):1303-11. Epub 2010 Feb 18.

Blomberg Jensen M, Nielsen JE, Jørgensen A, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Kristensen DM, Jørgensen N, Skakkebaek NE, Juul A, Leffers H.

University Department of Growth and Reproduction GR, Rigshospitalet section 5064, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. mabj at rh.regionh.dk

BACKGROUND: The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed in human testis, and vitamin D (VD) has been suggested to affect survival and function of mature spermatozoa. Indeed, VDR knockout mice and VD deficient rats show decreased sperm counts and low fertility. However, the cellular response to VD is complex, since it is not solely dependent on VDR expression, but also on cellular uptake of circulating VD and presence and activity of VD metabolizing enzymes. Expression of VD metabolizing enzymes has not previously been investigated in human testis and male reproductive tract. Therefore, we performed a comprehensive analysis of the expression of VDR, VD activating (CYP2R1, CYP27A1, CYP27B1) and inactivating (CYP24A1) enzymes in the testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle (SV), prostate and spermatozoa.

METHODS: Tissue samples were obtained after orchiectomy (testis n = 13; epididymis n = 7), prostatectomy (prostate n = 5 and SVs n = 3) and semen samples obtained after ejaculation (n = 13). mRNA was detected with RT-PCR and expression of proteins was determined by immunohistochemistry.

RESULTS: VDR and VD metabolizing enzymes were concomitantly expressed in round and elongated spermatids, vesicles within the caput epididymis, and glandular epithelium of cauda epididymis, SV and prostate. The expression pattern in ejaculated spermatozoa varied, although, concomitant expression of VDR, CYP2R1, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 was observed in neck and midpiece in a subpopulation of mature spermatozoa.

CONCLUSION: On the basis of the marked expression of VDR and the VD metabolizing enzymes in human testis, ejaculatory tract and mature spermatozoa, we suggest that VD is important for spermatogenesis and maturation of human spermatozoa. PMID: 20172873

More sperm mobility

__Seasonal variations and age-related changes in human sperm count, motility, motion parameters, morphology, and white blood cell concentrationFertility and Sterlility Volume 72, Issue 5, Pages 803-808 (November 1999)_
Presented at the 16th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, California, October 5, 1998.
Grace M Centola, Ph.D.a?Corresponding Author Informationemail address, Shirley Eberly, M.S.a†
Received 10 February 1999; received in revised form 18 June 1999; accepted 18 June 1999.
Objective: To determine the presence of any seasonal variations and age-related changes in sperm parameters in andrology patients and fertile donors.
Design: Retrospective analysis.
Setting: University medical center andrology laboratory.
Patient(s): The database of 2,065 semen analyses was retrospectively reviewed for the period of March 1, 1996, to October 31, 1998.
Main Outcome Measures(s): The sperm count, motility, motile count, progressive straightline velocity, and percentage of rapid sperm were determined with the Hamilton-Thorne IVOS analyzer with standard setup parameters.
Result(s): There were no significant seasonal differences in the patient’s volume, sperm count, motility, motile count, whereas the percentage of rapid sperm and progressive straightline velocity were significantly lower in the spring. Correlation analysis of patient semen parameters versus age implied that as age increases there is a tendency for these semen parameters to decrease, whereas percent tail defects showed a significant positive correlation with age.

Conclusion(s): Age-adjusted analyses of seasonal variations in andrology patient semen parameters showed significant seasonal variation in the percentage rapid motile sperm and straightline velocity, as well as the percent tail defects, percent immature sperm, and the percent tapered sperm. Such seasonal variations might prove to be clinically relevant and important when designing experimental protocols.

Male Infertility & Vitamin D Deficiency Link Found November
2008 or 2009?
Australian fertility experts recently found a link between Vitamin D deficiency and male infertility. We already know that Vitamin D is essential in ensuring a healthy pregnancy. This latest study demonstrates that Vitamin D affects not only the females, but the males, as well.

It is then now recommended for men with fertility problems to get a daily dose of sunshine early in the morning aside from losing weight and giving up smoking, caffeine and alcohol.

Dr. Anne Clark, who serves as the medical director of the Fertility First assisted reproduction clinic in Sydney, Australia, presented this study to the Fertility Society of Australia in a conference in Brisbane. This is actually a part of the research done by Laura Thomson, who is pursuing a Doctorate degree in the University of Sydney.

This is truly a significant step in the struggle to beat male infertility, which has affected millions of couples around the world. Infertility challenges 1 in every 6 couples trying to have a baby. While it has been considered a woman’s issue for several generations, the recent decades have established that a male factor is also present.

Low sperm count has been the most common cause of male infertility, and this can be attributed to different factors such as age, emotional stress, testicular exposure to excess heat, obesity, substance abuse, smoking, malnutrition, varicocele and genetic predisposition. While some of these need treatment to be corrected, most simply require a change in lifestyle and the adoption of healthier practices.

By quitting on the habit of smoking or turning away from prohibited drugs, a man can improve the quality and quantity of his sperm. With sufficient amounts of Vitamin C, Folate, Selenium, Zinc, and as recently revealed Vitamin D, the chances of fixing male infertility problems may increase.

Several male fertility tests have been used to determine sperm concentration and to assist those who are undergoing a process to improve their sperm count. You may check available kits in the Test Country.

Natural News July 2010 report on decrease in sperm count by 50% in past 50 years - no comment on vitamin D

Sun and UV increased rates of getting pregnant and raised testosterone, also talks about seasonal changes

2008 Mention that sperm count is lowest in the spring

When a zoo introduced UV lights they commented that they turned into a nursery
on this site, but do not have the time to make the link just now

Obesity and smoking are some of the associations with reduced sperm count

mentions getting more sunlight increases fertility by 2005

Mercola 2008 Lack of sunlight leads to infertility

Vitamin D Doc has a page on the relationship, and mentions lower birth rates for men who have meidcal problems which lower the vitamin D level: MS, obesity, diabetes, cancer,...
2nd post by Vitamin D doc

Australian article on low vitamin D and male infertility

Post on Sunlight, Sexuality, And Your Fertility

Mayo clinic has a list of reasons for low sperm count which include several which are assoc1ated with low vitamin D: smoking, obesity, diabetes, obesity, celiac, and age

Alcohol interferes with production of vitamin D - which results in poor bones, etc

This is one of many articles on Chinese noticing association between Kidney and fertility. Kidney is vital for the production use of vitamin D in the body

OBESITY - which is known to reduce the amount of vitamin D in the blood stream

Over weight and underweight men have decreased sperm count
Mention low sperm count and obesity
Obesity mentioned as one cause of low sperm count

Update Sept 2010 VitaminDWiki: Fertility increases when vitamin D is increased