"Vitamin D - minimum, maximum, optimum"
19-20 OCTOBER 2012, National Stadium Convention Center WARSAW, POLAND
Update Nov 2012 Conference summary, recommend 30-60 ng
Update Sept 2013 30 to 50 ng of vitamin D is optimal – Central Europe consensus Sept 2013
Presentations will be given in both English and Polish concurrently
(Cost 350 PLN = $110) (PDF of this material is at the bottom of this page)
Dr. Pawel Pfudowski p.pludowski@czd.pl Dr. Elzbieta Karczmarewicz
dr Pawel Ptudowski, Poland - confirmed prof. Bertold Koletzko, Germany - confirmed prof. Tamas Decsi, Hungary - confirmed prof. Jacek Lukaszkiewicz, Poland - confirmed prof. Anna Dobrzahska, Poland prof. Danuta Chlebna-Sokol, Poland - confirmed prof. Roman S. Lorenc, Poland - confirmed prof. Piotr Gfuszko, Poland - confirmed dr Elina Hypponen, UK - confirmed dr Elzbieta Karczmarewicz, Poland - confirmed prof. Ffeike Bischoff-Ferrari, Switzerland - confirmed prof. Milan Bayer, Czech Republic - confirmed prof. Janusz Badurski, Poland - confirmed prof. Mieczyslaw Szalecki, Poland - confirmed dr Waldemar Misiorowski, Poland - confirmed dr Justyna Czech-Kowalska, Poland - confirmed prof. Zbigniew Samochocki, Poland - confirmed prof. Mieczyslaw Litwin, Poland - confirmed dr Piotr Rozentryt, Poland - confirmed prof. Olga Lesnyak, Russia - confirmed prof. Liudmila Yankovskaya, Belarus - confirmed dr Schoenfeld, Israel - confirmed prof. Zenon P. Halaba, Poland - confirmed prof. Ryszard Grenda, Poland - confirmed prof. Romuald D^bski, Poland - confirmed prof. Piotr Socha, Poland - confirmed prof, jerzy Socha, Poland - confirmed prof. Jerzy Konstantynowicz, Poland - confirmed prof. Alicja Chybicka, Poland, prof. Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska, Poland - confirmed prof. Graham Carter, UK - confirmed, prof. Glenville Jones, Canada - confirmed
website: www.witaminad.waw.pl English Website
place: Conference Center of National Stadium, Al. Ks. Jozefa Poniatowskiego I, 03-901 Warsaw Poland
SECRETARY Ewa Skorupa Lucyna Gajewska
Program Schedule as of Aug 4, 2012
FRIDAY, OCT 19TH 2012 7.00-19.00 - Registration
SESSION 1 8.00-10.10
Chaired by: Dr. Pawe? P?udowski, Prof. Janusz B. Ksi??yk
8.00-8.15 I Welcome - Dr. Pawe? P?udowski, Chairman of Organizing Committee
8.15-8.30 I Introduction - Vitamin D in The Children?s Memorial Health Institute - Prof. Janusz B. Ksi??yk, Head of CMHI
8.30-10.00 I Vitamin D deficiency - an overview of epidemiologic data - Poland (Dr. Pawe? P?udowski), Germany (Dr. Jakob Linseisen), Czech Republic (Prof. Milan Bayer), Hungary (Prof. Tamas Decsi), Russia (Prof. Olga Lesnyak), Belarus (Prof. Ema Rudenka, Dr. Liudmila Yankovskaya), Ukraine (Prof. Vladyslav Povoroznyuk), Australia (Prof. Jerzy Konst antynowicz), United Arab Emirates (Dr. Afrozul Haq)
10.00-10.10 I Discussion
10.10-10.40 I COFFEE BREAK
SESSION 2 10.40-13.40
Chaired by: Prof. Roman Lorenc, Prof. Michael Holick
10.40-11.10 I Vitamin D - nutritional or endocrinological problem - Prof. Michael F. Holick
11.20-11.40 I Vitamin D and health benefits: long term nutritional programming - Dr. Elina Hypponen
11.45-12.05 I DHA and health benefits: long term nutritional programming - differences and similarities with vitamin D - Prof. Berthold Koletzko
12.10-12.30 I Vitamin D provision and supplementation standards - Prof. Roman S. Lorenc
12.35-12.55 I Skin synthesis vs. oral supplementation - Prof. Jacek ?ukaszkiewicz
13.00-13.30 I Vitamin D safety: Its Mechanisms and Application - Prof. Glenville Jones
13.40-14.40 I LUNCH
SESSION 3 14.40-17.15
Chaired by: Prof. Piotr G?uszko, Prof. Andrzej Lewi?ski, Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld
14.40-15.00 I Vitamin D and cancer - Prof. William B. Grant
15.05-15.25 I Vitamin D role for immunity - Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld
15.30-15.45 I Vitamin D in Atopic Dermatitis - Prof. Zbigniew Samochocki
15.50-16.05 I Vitamin D in Multiple Sclerosis - Prof. Katarzyna Kotulska-Jó?wiak
16.10-16.25 I Vitamin D in Rheumathoid Arthritis - Prof. Piotr G?uszko
16.30-16.50 I Vitamin D in type 1 and type 2 diabetes and in endocrinopathies of growth period - Prof. Mieczys?aw Szalecki
16.55-17.15 I Vitamin D in type 1 and type 2 diabetes and in endocrinopathies of adulthood - Dr. Waldemar Misiorowski
17.20-17.40 I COFFEE BREAK
SESSION 4 17.40-19.15
Chaired by: Prof. Piotr Socha, Dr Karl P. Schlingmann
17.40-18.00 I Rickets - updated - Prof. Milan Bayer
18.05-18.25 I Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia - Dr. Karl P. Schlingmann
18.30-18.50 I Vitamin D and musculoskeletal system - Prof. Edward Czerwi?ski
18.55-19.15 I Vitamin D and malabsorption syndroms (cystic fibrosis, cholestasis, inflammatory bowel diseases) - Prof. Piotr Socha
SESSION 5 9.00-11.10
Chaired by: Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, Prof. Edward Franek
9.00-9.20 I Vitamin D, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease during growth period - Prof. Mieczys?aw Litwin
9.25-9.45 I Vitamin D, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease in adulthood - Dr. Piotr Rozentryt
9.50-10.10 I Vitamin D and chronic kidney disease during growth and maturation period - Prof. Ryszard Grenda
10.15-10.35 I Vitamin D and chronic kidney disease in adulthood - Prof. Micha? Nowicki
10.40-11.10 I Controversies associated with vitamin D use in patients with urolithiasis - Prof. Marek Ta?a?aj
11.15-11.45 I COFFEE BREAK
SESSION 6 11.45-13.45
Chaired by: Prof. Jacek ?ukaszkiewicz, Prof. Glenville Jones
11.35-11.55 I 25-hydroxyvitamin D Assays: The State We're In - Dr Graham Carter
12.00-12.20 I 3-Epi-25-OHD- new metabolite, potential biologic action, interferential problems with 25-OHD measurement - Prof. Gra?yna Odrow??-Sypmiewska
12.25-12.45 I Quality control and harmonization of assays - Dr. El?bieta Karczmarewicz
13.00-13.07 I short oral presentation
13.07-13.14 I short oral presentation
13.14-13.21 I short oral presentation
13.21-13.28 I short oral presentation
13.28-13.35 I short oral presentation
13.35-13.42 I short oral presentation
13.45-14.45 I LUNCH
SESSION 7 14.45-16.20
Chaired by: Prof. Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska, Prof. Michael Holick
14.45-15.00 I Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and lactation - Prof. Romuald D?bski
15.05-15.20 I Vitamin D supplementation in preterm born, newborn, and during infancy - Dr. Justyna Czech-Kowalska
15.25-15.40 I Vitamin D supplementation in children and adolescents - Prof. Danuta Chlebna-Sokó?
15.45-16.00 I Vitamin D supplementation in adulthood - Prof. Michael F. Holick
16.05-16.20 I Vitamin D deficiency therapy in risk groups - "Algorithm of tailored intervention" - Prof. Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska
SESSION 8 16.00-17.15
1) Vitamin D status assessment criteria and methods - consensus thesis
2) Vitamin D standards of supplementation in the population - consensus thesis
3) Algorithm of tailored intervention in vitamin D deficient risk groups - consensus thesis
4) Implementation strategies for novel supplementation recommendations in CE
English Website
Dear Colleagues,
We made an effort to organize a scientific conference of the topic: "Vitamin D - minimum, maximum, optimum" with the participation of many notable experts from Poland and other European countries.
The event will be held in National Stadium Convention Centre in Warsaw. On 19th and 20th of October 2012 we shall host about 800 guests from Poland and Central European countries. The idea behind conference concerning vitamin D and its importance in preventing civilization diseases came out of constant and urgent need for spreading this knowledge amongst medical community as well as the society. The results of recent reports proved many positive effects of vitamin D on human organism at all life stages. Until recently, deficits of vitamin D were most likely combined with risk of developing rickets. Currently, reduced constitutional resources of vitamin D are considered as a significant risk factor for many civilization diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, infectious diseases caused by decreased immunity and many neuropsychiatric disorders. An increasing body of evidence of benefit of vitamin D in the human body became the basis for the development of Polish recommendations on the prevention of vitamin D deficiency (2009). Unfortunately, the recommendations on vitamin D supplementation, both in Poland and other countries, are still rigorously preserved only in the first months of life and later vitamin D is not given or is given occasionally. The natural consequence of this situation is the need for continuous awareness of the public and the medical communities. We need to continuously point out that vitamin D plays a role in proper development and functioning of the human body. We believe that it is crucial to share scientifically documented knowledge showing the significance of vitamin D for the health of children, adolescents, professionally active people and seniors.
We believe that the scientific program supported by luminaries from Poland, many European countries and Canada will result with a success, as the conference already arouses a great interest in the medical environment. Therefore, we warmly invite you to participate in this event, which will address critical issues of health policy in Central Europe. The goal of the conference will be to create recommendations on supplementation, therapy, and methods of assessing vitamin D status for populations of Central Europe.
The conference is organized by the Department of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine, The Children's Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Pawe? P?udowski, PhD
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See also VitaminDWiki
- Poland Vitamin D recommendations 2009
Youth 400 IU, >20 ng; Adult 800 IU, >30 ng - Official European vitamin D upper levels: 4000 adult – July 2012
- Published Recommendations from around the world
- All items in Category Europe and Vitamin D
234 items - Vitamin D levels in Germany – Jan 2012
- 92 % of ALL Germans less than 30 ng - Jan 2012
- 92 % of German elderly less than 30 ng - Jan 2012
- Recommend 100 IU of vitamin D per kg of infant weight in Poland – July 2011 which has the following graph
Conference on Vitamin D in Poland - Oct 201215629 visitors, last modified 31 Mar, 2019, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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