
Dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, pet birds, etc need Vitamin D

A sampling from the web

VitaminDWiki - Overview Veterinary and vitamin D contains

Veterinary category has 155 items

Animals need Vitamin D too

Pets as well

Farm Vets are paid when their "patients" are healthy,
   vs doctors who are paid only when "patients" become sick

Cows are routinely given 30 IU per kilogram (which would be 10,000 IU for a 150 lb person)
Same information is available on Cattle need 66 IU of vitamin D per pound
The US RDA of vitamin D for cows is 13 IU per kilogram (which would be 4,300 IU for a 150 lb 'cow')
Virtually all US farmers who raise livestock use feed that is supplemented with vitamin D
Merick Vet Manual supplement if not have UV or sunlight

Be Aware

Be aware - Vets often give vitamin D recommendations as IU per pound of FEED, not per pound of BODY WEIGHT
Be aware - No consensus as to which animals can get Vitamin D thru their fur/feathers
Be aware - Many vets are concerned about dogs getting too much Vitamin D.
But recall that many doctors had also been concerned about humans getting > 2,000 IU of vitamin D

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday September 20, 2022 12:31:00 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)