
Dr. Cannell on Autism – Spring 2013

45 minute webinar hosted by GrassRootsHealth April 2013

1 page summary on Autism at GrassRoots

YouTube Video direct link

PDF of the slides is attached at the bottom of this page

A few of the slides

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Note: Response to question #30

Accidentally 3 mothers gave 3 dropper fulls instead of 3 drops worth of vitamin D to their austistic children
He did not say, but a typical standard is 2,000 IU in a drop, so the children got 60,000 IU per day
There was a rapid recovery in all three cases.
Dr. Cannell speculated that the future goal for Autism might be a vitamin D level of 150 ng instead of the current 50-80 ng level

See also VitaminDWiki

See also by Dr. Cannell

Autism, will vitamin D treat core symptoms?

Med Hypotheses. 2013 May 29. pii: S0306-9877(13)00233-8. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.05.004.
Cannell JJ.
Vitamin D Council, 697 Higuera Street, Suite H, San Luis Obispo 93401, USA. Electronic address: jjcannell at vitamindcouncil.org.

No medication exists to treat the core symptoms of autism. However, some children spontaneously improve and have optimal outcomes. Parents of autistic children who have access to swimming pool have reported summertime improvement in symptoms to me. A Japanese case report found the same summer times improvements. If the cause of that summertime improvement could be identified, it may lead to effective treatment. Vitamin D is highly seasonal with a summertime surfeit and a wintertime deficit. The hypotheses that the increased prevalence in the diagnosis of autism is due to better detection imply that parents, teachers and physicians of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s missed this non subtle diagnosis, an unlikely scenario. Recent research indicates that autism often first present itself during the second and third year of life. This is a time when most toddlers have no known sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D has remarkable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-autoimmune properties. In vitro, in vivo, and animal experiments provide compelling data for vitamin D's role brain proliferation, differentiation, neurotrophism, neuroprotection, neurotransmission, and neuroplasticity. It also upregulates glutathione, upregulates a suit of genes involved in DNA repair and raises the seizure threshold. Adequate, perhaps pharmacological, doses of vitamin D may have a treatment effect in the core symptoms of autism.

Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PMID: 23725905 behind a paywall

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2531 AutismVitaminD_GrassrootsHealth.pdf admin 29 May, 2013 960.13 Kb 1453
2444 Autism3.jpg admin 02 May, 2013 57.83 Kb 2761
2443 Autism2.jpg admin 02 May, 2013 55.99 Kb 2640
2442 Autism1.jpg admin 02 May, 2013 54.96 Kb 2838