Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D has the following summary
Most were taking 2,000 to 7,000 IU daily for >50% of pregnancy
Click on hyperlinks for details
Problem | Vit. D Reduces | Evidence | ||||
0. Chance of not conceiving | 3.4 times | Observe | ||||
1. Miscarriage | 2.5 times | Observe | ||||
2. Pre-eclampsia | 3.6 times | RCT | ||||
3. Gestational Diabetes | 3 times | RCT | ||||
4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality | 3.5 times | Observe | ||||
5. Premature birth | 2 times | RCT | ||||
6. C-section - unplanned | 1.6 times | Observe | ||||
Stillbirth - OMEGA-3 | 4 times | RCT - Omega-3 | ||||
7. Depression AFTER pregnancy | 1.4 times | RCT | ||||
8. Small for Gestational Age | 1.6 times | meta-analysis | ||||
9. Infant height, weight, head size within normal limits | RCT | |||||
10. Childhood Wheezing | 1.3 times | RCT | ||||
11. Additional child is Autistic | 4 times | Intervention | ||||
12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis | 1.9 times | Observe | ||||
13. Preeclampsia in young adult | 3.5 times | RCT | ||||
14. Good motor skills @ age 3 | 1.4 times | Observe | ||||
15. Childhood Mite allergy | 5 times | RCT | ||||
16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits | 2.5 times | RCT |
RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
Vitamin D has proven so successful that some researchers have decided that
it is no longer ethical to not give vitamin D during every pregnancy.
They have started a trial which will give 4,000 IU of vitamin D to ALL 500 pregnant participants in South Carolina
They are focusing on the reduction in preterm births (current rate is 13%), but there are many additional benefits
Details: Pregnant women will get Vitamin D – going beyond clinical trials - March 2015
But you do not have to participate in this trial to benefit
The health benefits of vitamin D are available at low cost to 200 million pregnant women anywhere around the world.
You can get many of the proven benefits of vitamin D for a little as $13 for your entire pregnancy.
However, the more you invest, the healthier will be your pregnancy and your infant
You should be aware that you will need the cofactors of Magnesium, Omega-3, and vitamin K2 to realize the full benefit of vitamin D in your body
Briefly, here are your options
Total cost for entire pregnancy | Premature Birth reduction | Vitamin D | Magnesium | Omega-3%%%& Vitamin K2 | Vitamin D Test | |
Lowest cost | $13 - $25%%%Vit D only | 1.5X | 4,000 IU | none | none | none |
Low cost | $30 - $75 | 1.8X | 4,000 - 15,000 | 100 mg | none | none |
High cost | $70 - $190 | 2.2X | " | " | 1 g Omega-3%%%200 microg of K2 | none |
Highest cost | $120 - $250 | 2.5X | " | " | " | 1 test |
Compare to the South Carolina trial | ||||||
$133 - $141%%%($0 for participants) | 2X | 4,000 IU may adjust after test | none | none | 2 tests |
Vitamin D $13 - $25
4,000 IU is probably the minimum amount of vitamin D that most pregnant women need
4,000 IU can be taken in the US without doctor's approval
Vitamin D dose size is a function of many variables
- weight/obesity: recent pregnancy, expecting twins, darkenss of skin, have a health problem which consumes vitamin D (MS, diabetes, etc), poor gut absorption, actively avoid the sun or always use sun screen
Over 30% of the vitamin D sold in the US is now in capsules having at least 5,000 IU
One low-cost supplier charges $13 for 240 capsules of 5,000 IU (5 cents per 5,000 IU)
Bio-Tech provides the lowest cost, and probably the best quality vitamin D (50,000 IU: @ 2.5 cents per 5,000 IU)
Details at: Low Cost vitamin D - including liquid and bulk
and One pill every two weeks gives you all the vitamin D most adults need
Magnesium $17 - $60
Magnesium increases the response to vitamin D by about 30%
Magnesium improves health in scores of ways, far beyond just building bones - even during pregnancy
The lack of Magnesium is the cause of the the very few vitamin D allergic reactions (about 0.3%)
Magnesium appears to eliminate constipation that a few people get from having lots of vitamin D.
It is important to take a form of Magnesium that does not cause diarrhea
- Magnesium Chloride is best for most people - available as liquid or inexpensive large pill
Details at: Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
and Magnesium helps pregnancy – low quality evidence - Cochrane April 2014
and Pregnancy helped by Magnesium - many studies
Omega-3 helps pregnancy in many ways: preterm 26 percent less likely etc – review July 2012
References of Omega-3
PERINATAL DEPRESSION, Gestation, preterm birth, preeclampsia, subsequent childhood development
See especially: Pregnancy and infants healthier with Omega-3 supplementation - many studies) including 4X fewer stillbirths
Details at: Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D
Vitamin K2
Details at: Overview Vitamin K and Vitamin D
Vitamin D tests - currently $39 - $70
Lower costs tests are expected by 2016
Many doctors (but not VitaminDWiki) believe it is important to test vitamin D levels
- Generally the test results answers the question: Getting enough vitamin D? (> 40 ng)
but does not indicate if another form is needed (gut friently, sublingual, etc)
- Rarely does the test result indicate: Getting too much vitamin D (> 70 ng)
Testing should occur 6-8 weeks after starting your standard Vitamin D supplementation
Details at: Low cost vitamin D Blood Tests
More about Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also available in liquid, sublingual, topical, cream, etc. forms
Vitamin D also from the sun - but need 1/2 to 4 hours a day in the sun, which depends on
skin color, amount of clothing, distance from equator, season, standing/lying down, time of day etc.
Vegan versions of Vitamin D and Omega-3 are available- at low cost
A large initial dose may be needed if you are very deficient or start supplementing late in pregnancy
Consult with your doctor
Note: Your doctor can get continuing educational credit for learning about vitamin D and pregnancy (English only)
Note: if he is not interested in learning, you could just ask: Would you be opposed to my getting more vitamin D
Continue taking vitamin D after birth - 40 ng is great for your entire life
Note: Need 60 ng if breast feeding and your infant is not supplemented with vitamin D
It is never too late or early to start taking vitamin D
You can start in your 3rd trimester (strongly recommend a loading dose)
Can start months before pregnancy - actually Vitamin D increases fertility
Should reduce Calcium supplements to < 750 milligrams
Vitamin D makes Calcium much more available - the excess calcium can accumulate in the arteries if low vitamin K2
Future on this page: Dosing customized to individual needs.
More about Vitamin D and Pregnancy
- Pregnancy category listing has
936 items - Effects of low vitamin D on pregnancy and neonate – review Jan 2015
- Prenatal VITAMIN D is more important than other prenatal vitamins
- Getting vitamin D during pregnancy is even more important than avoiding alcohol
- Women taking 4,000 IU reduced pregnancy risks in half RCT May 2010
- ADHD decreased by 11% for each 10 ng increase in vitamin D in early pregnancy – April 2015
- Wheezing reduced 35 percent if vitamin D added during pregnancy – April 2015
- Postpartum depression 7X more likely if less than 10 ng of vitamin D – Sept 2014
- Low vitamin D increased probability of low birth weight by 60 percent – meta-analysis June 2012
- Higher vitamin D in pregnancy resulted in 2X better infant psychomotor and mental scores – Sept 2012
- More vitamin D during pregnancy made for higher mental scores at 14 months – Dec 2012
- Near the end of pregnancy 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly was great – RCT April 2013
- Vitamin D intervention for 8 weeks of pregnancy: infants taller, heavier and bigger heads – RCT Oct 2013
- Vitamin D Webinar - cost of pre-term birth etc- Baggerly Nov 2013
> 100X return on investment: cost of prematur birth vs vitamin D- Gestational Diabetes reduced with 50,000 IU of vitamin D every 3 weeks and daily Calcium – RCT June 2014
- Small for gestational age birth was 6.5X more likely if mother was vitamin D deficient – March 2015
- Preeclampsia was prevented or treated by vitamin D in majority of studies – review May 2015
- Birth weight and length increased with high levels of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2015
- Pregnancy complications reduced with 4000 IU of vitamin D - 2RCT Jan 2013
- Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D which had the following summary
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and infant with as little as $20 of Vitamin D26202 visitors, last modified 04 Mar, 2016, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)