
Fewer pre-term births after pollution reduction (vitamin D not mentioned) April 2014

How E-ZPass Lanes Could Make Premature Births Less Common

  • Cities near Atlanta installed e-z pass lanes
  • In one location within the study area, nitrogen oxide fell by 11 %
  • Among the 30,000 births to mothers living within two kilometers of a toll plaza, 255 premature births and 275 low-birth-weight births were avoided
  • estimated savings: between $9.8 and $13 million.

No mention was made that the pollution

  1. Reduced the amount of UVB getting to the ground
  2. Reduced the amount of time that pregnant women in the area would spend outdoors

Also, women would be less likely to spend time outdoors in areas with road noise.

  • Walking
  • Gardening
  • Going to parks

Article did not say, but VitaminDWiki suspects a strong seasonal change in premature births due to seasonal change in UVB

See also VitaminDWiki
