
LLLT, Low Level Laser Therapy, PBM and experience by VitaminDWiki

9 VitaminDWiki pages have LOW LEVEL LASER or LLLT or PBM in title

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Items found: 11

PhotoBioModulation: Overview of the Pubmed Literature on Low Level Light Therapy - May 2024

TrialSite News - 36 pages
Extensive review appears to be unaware of the importance of pulsing of the intensity of the light.

  1. Pulsing allows 1000X high peak intensity which can get 30X deper into the body,
  2. the cells respond to the switching the light on/off

14 Categories include:

    Note: later in this page I discuss the extreme benefit from use of an LLLT I designed and built for my wife's lymphodemia
  2. Neurologic Non-Pain. It focuses on topics such as Bell’s Palsy, EEG Networks, Spinal Cord Injury, Depression, Nerve Regeneration, Parkinsonism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other Brain Disorders.
  3. Neurologic Pain. Thrust areas include Neck Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, and Pain.
  4. Heart. just Myocardial Infarction
  5. Musculoskeletal. Thrust areas include Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendon Injury, Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis, Knee Osteoarthritis, Bone Regeneration, Osteoblast Proliferation, Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw, Muscle Injury, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, and Bone Repair.
  6. COVID

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Red Light Therapy Book - 2018 $3 Amazon

substack extensive review of the book Oct 2023

LLLT design in 2009


LLLT = Low Level Light Therapy

LLLT stimulates the repair or reduction of pain of a wide variety of body parts.

One of the many other names (see below) for LLLT is Cold Laser. It is ‘cold’ because the lasers/LEDs are so dim that they do not heat up tissue. Note: I can just barely notice a temperature increase when I shine my 1 watt LED flashlight on my lips. I am not able to feel 20 milliwatts emitted by our LLLT – however many horses can sense LLLT.

In early 2008 I discovered LLLT and then researched the topic on the internet and thru medical publications. 
LLLT appeared to be an excellent solution for my wife's lymphoedema.
We did not want to pay many thousands of dollars to a set of LLLT treatments which would provide relief for perhaps 6 months.
I designed an LLLT based on the best research I could find.
There are 20+ parameters for LLLT, including wavelength, power output, number of treatments per week, frequency of dark periods, length of dark periods, etc.
We have been amazed at the results, what we have to call magic LLLT on not only lymphoedema, but also for many other ailments, including her 60 year old ankle pain which disappeared after a single LLLT session.  Have been using it since Aug 2008

Updates at end of this page  with description of model 2.0

Our Success

My LLLT design took 6 months to design, construct, and debug.  It can is basically an improvement on that made in Australia.
http://www.riancorp.com/ makes the only Laser which the FDA has approved for lymphoedema
Excellent power-point summary of the Australian LLLT
Lymphoema forum 2007 discussion on Riancorp LLLT

Similar: Wavelength = 905 angstrom, Laser diode, 5 watts peak output IR per each diode, Applied to lymph area for 1 minute
5,000 pulses per second – thus applying about 300,000 pulses in 1 minute

1) Use 4 Laser diodes instead of 1,
2) Diodes are positioned about 1" above the skin
  – so as to allow spreading to cover about 40% of the area with the 4 diodes instead of 2% of the area with the single diode on the skin.
   This spreading reduces the peak power per sq. cm. at the skin to about 1/20.
3) Treatment area, with about 40% of it illuminated, is 12 sq cm at the skin surface,
   which is 60X larger total area and 24X larger illuminated area than the 0.2 sq. cm for commercial single Laser Diode.
4) Cannot press the Laser Diodes into tissue, so as to minimize the light loss in fatty tissue.
5) Included 20 "dark times" of 1/10 second each during the 1 minute.
    {Tina Karu: Ten Lectures on Basic Science of Laser Phototherapy – page 69 shows 2X increased attachment with "dark times of 1/10 second.
    So we thought that we would include "dark times" in our design.
   We intuitively feel that while the body cannot respond to changes in light at the rate of 5,000 per second,
   there is a possibility of the body responding to 1/10 second dark times every 3 seconds.
   Perhaps coherent laser speckle produces a modulation of the light better than what we use.}
6) Have LLLT just before having a lymph massage and then go to sleep.

http://www.laser.nu/lllt/lllt_editorial.htm  from 2003 has a good list of the many parameter for LLLT.  Scroll down to "Why laser therapy fails - and succeeds"

I do not expect the company in Australia to improve their LLLT since they have just spent $250,000 on a clinical double blind trial to prove the device and the protocol to the US FDA (and regulatory agencies in other countries) They irradiate 17 points for 1 minute 3 days a week. After 3 weeks their point laser will likely have irradiated every lymph node in the area. Ours irradiates all lymph nodes in a 12 sq cm area in a single minute.

Some LLLT books

Healing Light - the miracle of cold laser therapy 2006 book by Dr. David Hirschenson. Very low cost but lacking detail.  Describes use of the Bioflex system. 
Chart of Bioflex success rate on page 77 includes the following: Osteoarthritis 86%, Muscle tears 96%, Rotator Cuff 84%, Tendonitis 96%, Herniated Disc 91%, Myofascitis 100%, Carpal tunnel 53%, Plantar Fascitis 78%, Rheumatoid arthritis 90%, etc. You can use the Bioflex web to see if there is a Bioflex LLLT near you.

The Laser Therapy Handbook by Jan Tuner in Sweden 2007 (first edition 2002) - my favorite - 35 Euros
The scientific data on therapeutic lasers encompasses some 2500 titles.
Tuner and Hode have read 1200 in the original included in the bibliography in this book.
Mini-abstracts have been written on 400 of these, the majority of which concern studies showing the positive effects of laser therapy.
This is an excellent reference for those interested in reviewing the clinical work done to-date
http://integratedlasertherapies.com/laserbooks.html  is one of many companies selling the book

http://www.laser.nu/lllt/lllt_editorial.htm  scroll down to "Why laser therapy fails - and succeeds"
This is a list of LLLT variables from the Laser Therapy Handbook that make comparisons between LLLT articles difficult to compare

He has authored a smaller/lower cost book which is probably also good, Lasers That Heal - see prima-books below

http://www.prima-books.com/  Publisher with the most and best LLLT books that I am aware of

http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1424302331/ref=sib_dp_pt/103-0315063-9545424#  Light and Laser Therapy  $70  can look inside the book at Amazon

Kahn (CEO of Bioflex) June 2008. His 3 books cost $400+, but I have no reviews of them or even a table of contents.


Proceedings of the Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference $110 Extensive description and Table of contents for the book is at publishers site

http://www.prima-books.com/Ten-Lectures.php   I bought Karu's book. Extremely technical and hard to read.
    She has been doing in-depth LLLT research in Russia for several decades

http://www.laserhealthsystems.com/Dr.%20Tiina%20Karu%20Presentation.htm  A lengthy description of her own work

http://www.isan.troitsk.ru/dls/publ/300.pdf A 2003 summary of LLLT by Karu for a CRC publication

http://www.walt.nu/book-reviews.html has great book reviews of  both The Laser Therapy Handbook and Ten Lectures

http://www.winhealth.co.uk/LLLT%20Books.htm  has brief descriptions and table of contents on many LLLT books

LLLT around the world

LLLT in other countries

LLLT has been in use for decades in many places around the world, including Russia, Norway, Australia, and Japan.
LLLT has been approved for use in Japan since 1988 and insurance has paid for its use there since 1997.

LLLT in the US

The US military uses it to heal wounds, but the FDA does not allow the Veterans Administration to use it yet.

Obama requested -- by didn't appear to get -- $4.8 million for a project in 2003 to use LEDs to heal. Strange as it may sound, military medicine specialists have known for years that the LEDs can play a role in healing wounds, building muscle, turning back the worst effects of diabetes and repairing blinded eyes. http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/03/obamas-pet-proj.html

http://www.pol-us.net/lllt/fda.html   FDA and LLLT

Associated Names for LLLT

Biomodulation Laser, Bioregulating Laser, Biostimulating Laser, Cold Laser Therapy, Diode Laser Therapy, helium-neon laser irradiation, Infrared laser light, Laser Acupuncture, Laser Biostimulation, Laser Irradiation, Laser Phototherapy, Laser Therapy, LED therapy, LELT (Low Energy Laser Therapy), LEPT (Low Energy Photon Therapy), light-emitting diode phototherapy, LILT (Low Intensity Laser Therapy), LLLT (Low level Laser Therapy, Low Light Laser Therapy), Low Power Laser Irradiation, Low Power Laser Therapy, Low Reactive Level Laser Therapy, Low Energy Laser, PBM (Photobiomodulation), Photo Irradiation, Photobiostimulation, Photomedicine, Physiotherapy Laser, RLT (Red Light Therapy) for Rosecia, Soft Laser Therapy (differentiate from ‘hard laser’ = surgical laser) Therapeutic Laser

Search term from WALT 2009: LLLT, Laser Biostimulation, Laser Irradiation, Low-Power, Laser Therapy, Low-Power, Low-Level Laser Therapy, Low-Power Laser Irradiation, Low-Power Laser Laser Therapy.

WALT also noted that there were 20 studies published in PubMed in 2000, and 250 in 2008

For quick web searches I use 4 names:
   (LLLT OR "cold laser" OR "Soft laser therapy" OR "low power laser")

lack of standardization in applying Laser Therapy to various tissues, therefore it is impossible to draw conclusions from many studies.
http://www.walt.nu/images/stories/files/walt_standard_for_conduct_of_randomized_controlled_trials.pdf is a recommended guideline for LLLT trials


http://www.laser.nu/Swedish Medical Society

http://www.laser.nu/lllt/lllt_editorial3.htm  There were over 2,000 articles on LLLT by 1999, including 100 with positive double blind tests.

http://www.laser.nu/lllt/science.htm   added 50 abstracts Sept 2008

http://blog.thorlaser.com/2008/09/16/literature-watch-for-july-august-2008/#more-79 Another source of abstracts

http://www.walt.nu/ World Association For Laser Therapy


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12775206   meta analysis of LLLT for chronic joint disorders

http://rosacea-support.org/community/viewforum.php?f=22 Rosacea Forums on RLT = Red Light Treatment

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez     Index of medical literature: Low Level Laser  got 2,825 hits  Sept 2008
      There are over 2,500 medical journal articles on LLLT – covering trials and treatments of well over 10,000 people

http://www.laser.nu/lllt/search.htm  a place to start some LLLT searches

LEDs are also used for Cold Lasers

http://www.meditech-bioflex.com/  Bioflex LLLT

http://www.thorlaser.com/ Thor LLLT for people and horses.   See more links to horses below
    Thor and many others have Youtube videos http://www.youtube.com/thorlaser
    346 Cold tube videos on Youtube as of Sept 08  http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cold+laser&search_type=&aq=f

http://patients.meditech-bioflex.com/laser-therapy/the-laser-report.php amazing photos of ulcers before and after LLLT treatment

Life Extension force magazine Oct 2008 article on LLLT for relief of pain

http://www.pol-us.net/lllt/plantar.html   Article on LLLT for Plantar Fasciitis
     from    http://www.pol-us.net/ASP_Home/index.html   American Society of PhotoBiology - an interesting site

http://www.greenmed.co.jp/lpl/E/ALZ-ZIehtm.htm  LLLT appears to slow the onset on Alzheimer's disease in Japan with 904 nm IR
   not double-blind, small group, perhaps 2008

http://www.spectramedics.com/llltinfo.htm Good detailed overview of LLLT.  I wish I had found this site a year ago.  Added Oct 2009

WARP  670 nm LED  (visible)
http://www.warp-heals.com/   WARP 10 and WARP 75
http://www.defensereview.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=411  use of WARP to heal wounds in the military
http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/Spinoff2008/hm_3.html  NASA - which had developed WARP 10
http://www.promolife.com/pain-relief/led-light-therapy/quantum-warp-10-led-pain-relief-device/prod_1198.html $600 supplier

You might want to see titles and request copies of some of my files

Lymph Links


http://www.lymphoedema.org.au/index.html Lymph of Australia

http://www.flinders.sa.gov.au/lymphoedema/pages/overview/ LLLT lymphoedema research n Australia

http://www.lympholaser.com.au/index.htm  a spin-off in Australia

Horse links

http://www.equiworld.net/uk/horsecare/alternativetherapies/lighttherapy/index.htm  For Horses - by Bioscan - a supplier

http://www.equinethor.com/  LLLT for Horses
http://www.spectravet.com/lllt.html  Vet

If you decide that LLLT might help, your options include

Treatment – is available in many large US cities.
     There is a possibility of portion of treatment cost being repaid by insurance see
Many of the LLLT distributors keep track where their products are in use. Examples:
  The Riancorp distributor (Australia) is at
  Click here for Rian on-line Database (Feb 2011)

Bioflex is at http://www.meditech-bioflex.com/
  RJ Laser http://www.rj-laser.com/english/index.html

Rent/Lease LLLT device from a few of the suppliers
http://www.laser.nu/lllt/manufactures.htm Has a list of some of the LLLT manufacturers

Buy LLLT device for $500 to $20,000.  A few newer infrared LLLT systems sell for $1300 and have 4 or more laser sources, along with some devices which only have red light sources
http://www.apollopt.com/compare.htm  Matrix comparing 12 features of 10 Cold Lasers: including price, wavelength, power, ...
http://coldlasersupplies.com/  sells a variety of cold lasers

Some comments clipped from LymphPeople Feb 2011

Laser is not a magic cure for lymphedema
For your information; From practical experience and statistical information laser therapy is best when used with other lymphatic drainage therapies.
It is not a magic cure to control lymphedema.

What laser has the potential to do for lymphedema
Laser will assist in improving lymphatic flow and softening hard fibrotic tissues. This in turn normally will help to reduce the associated swelling of lymphedema.

Laser normally works faster with arm lymphedema than with leg lymphedema.

The results of laser therapy can be truly amazing.
Some people respond quickly after just one 60 minute session.
With other people it may take many applications to have a similar effect and provide the desired result.

Recorded information and statistics indicate Laser treatment is ongoing.
If no other therapy is concurrently combined into a lymphedema treatment regimen, then laser therapy is often required every 2-3 weeks for a one hour session.

Given the requirement of ongoing treatment it becomes cost effective to purchase a hand held laser for self administration or share among 3 or 4 people living nearby suburbs where the laser may be used at home.

Laser therapy for treating lymphedema works best when combined with Complex Physical (lymphatic) Therapy (CPT). CPT consists of lymphatic drainage massage, self massage, compression bandaging, compression garments, skin care and eating the best choice foods to promote lymphatic health with dietary considerations.

How Low Level Laser Therapy Works (by a Chiropractor)

Low Level Lasers are also called (Cold lasers) because there is no heat produced with this type of device, unlike the lasers used in surgeries. These lasers increase cellular energy and help produce faster cellular activities like cell reproduction and regeneration. The laser stimulates an increase in cellular mitochondrial ATP production, which enhances and moderates cell activity. The cold laser has a positive influence on cell proliferation, immune cell function and the lymphatic and vascular systems. The result is greatly improved wound and injury healing, in dramatically less time.

The effects produced by the laser are anti-inflammatory in response, reducing edema and acute swelling. Circulation and cellular metabolism is elevated in the treated area, thus reducing pain, increasing range of motion and improving overall mobility. The therapy also can decrease the sensations of pain experienced by nerves, and increases the energy in the cells, which stimulates them to replicate and heal at a much faster rate.

Cold lasers have been proven effective in reducing both acute and chronic pain. These laser have been used for a variety of health issues with great success. The Erchonia medical laser was the first Low Level Laser manufacturer to be given FDA approved marketing clearance for use in Pain Therapy for treatment of chronic neck and shoulder pain.

Clinical Conditions Responsive to Laser Therapy:

Chronic and Acute pain, Wound Healing, Migraines, Tendonitis problems Non-Union Fractures Scar tissue, Tennis/Golfers elbow, Musculoskeletal pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Joint Sprains, Diabetic Neuropathy, TMJ- Dysfunction, Post-surgical/ Suture Sites, Sports Injuries, Rheumatoid/ Osteoarthritis, Burn / Abrasion Sites

Many LLLT mechanisms have been proposed

Which include stem cells, heat stress proteins, stunning nerves (similar to but with much longer-term effect than Acupuncture)

http://services.bepress.com/eci/tissue_regen/18/ Mechanisms for PhotoBiomodulation - lengthy Power-Point 2004

LLLT intensity must be just right; not too intense and not too dim   update Nov 2009

Outstanding pre-print   of 26 page paper to probably be published in 2010: BIPHASIC DOSE RESPONSE IN LOW LEVEL LIGHT THERAPY

"biphasic dose response or LLLT hormesis (low levels of light are good for you, while high levels are bad for you)"

Author will be chairing his 6th session on Mechanisms for LLLT in Jan 2010.  He provides detailed explanations as to why LLLT works.

Click on the following to see one of the figures in the paper

Dr Hamblin's web site is http://www2.massgeneral.org/wellman/faculty-hamblin-pi.htm

My concept of LLLT mechanisms - circa 2008

I feel that the body is very used to receiving IR illumination from the sun - for example see www.easthorse.net/cm/images/spectrum.gif
The if we guess that the body can not distinguish 'color' differences of 100nm, then the IR from the sun is about 7X stronger than our probe,
thus if LLLT were purely an intensity effect, 7 minutes of the sun should provide the same effect as 1 minute of our LLLT probe.
Since most animal bodies have evolved to be used to the sun, I am inclined to think that the LLLT effect is not purely a photo effect, but due to dark to light transitions.
Karu's tests on very simple life forms found that the best effect came from having 1/10 second dark periods.
The dark to light transitions gets the attention of the body - perhaps creating heat stress proteins or later sending stem cells to that part of the body.
Coherent lasers naturally produce light intensity variations - which are called speckles. 
    Since we do not use coherent lasers, we try to get a similar effect by modulating the light electrically.
It might also be that the body grows and then sends the repair troops to the body parts which both have the dark to light transitions and are 'hurting'.

What LLLT has been found to be useful for

Portion of table of contents from Laser Therapy Handbook - which has a great review of each item

Categories of reports which I have saved     click here to see all of my directories and files

|    +----Back
|    +----Carpal
|    +----Hair
|    +----Knee
|    +----Lymph articles
|    +----Macular Degeneration
|    +----Neck
|    +----Nerves and Pain
|    +----Plantar
|    +----Rosecia
|    +----Shoulder
|    +----Skin
|    +----Tendon
|    +----Tinnitus
|    +----Ulcers wounds and burns

Intensity of LLLT From WALT (World Association for Laser Therapy)

http://www.walt.nu/images/stories/files/dosage-table-904nm.pdf  The table above, for 904 nm

http://www.walt.nu/images/stories/files/dosage-table-780-860nm.pdf  Similar table, but for 780-860 nm


Wavelengths in the 600-700-nm range (RED) are chosen for treating superficial tissue,
and wavelengths between 780 and 950 are chosen for deeper-seated tissues due to longer optical penetration distances through tissue.

GaAlAs lasers emit 800-830 nm light and GaAs lasers emit 904nm (what we used)

Action spectra from Karu

Optical Window

What LLT is used for - from Mechanisms for Low-Light Therapy, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6140, 61400F, (2006) Kahn (CEO of Bioflex)

Design and protocol of our LLLT

HEAD1: average intensity per diode = 5 milliwatts.

4 Laser Diodes each of which can emit a peak intensity of 5 watts (reported lymph research uses 1 Laser diode with a peak intensity of 5 watts. The laser diodes I am getting could actually put out 25 watts, but I will have it restrained to put out a maximum of 5 watts. Note: the peak power of the laser determines the depth of penetration into the tissue. 5 watts may get as deep as 2 cm. We will have a possibility of getting even deeper in the future if we wish to increase the peak intensity – but at the risk of giving the surface too much illumination.

Provide 2 joules of illumination per square cm per each treatment. Identical to reported lymphedema research. Also, many other LLLT research papers have good results only when using illumination of between ½ joule and 2 joules per sq. cm.

Wavelength 905 nm Researchers have used 890 nm and 904 nm. Tissues appear to let any light thru (window) which has a wavelength of between 800 nm and 1300 nm. One journal article on mechanisms of light interaction with tissue has a graph derived from several researchers including Karu – the author of the book I have ordered, that the "action spectrum" (wavelengths which actually produce some action in cells) has two peaks: Peak 1 with an action = 2 @ 820 nm and Peak 2 with an action spectrum = 1.8 @ 870-930 nm. The valley (region of least action) at 850 nm between the two peaks has an action spectrum of only 0.2. The Laser Diode for Head1 operates near the top of the second peak of the "action spectrum". (Note – I almost had ordered a Laser with a 850 nm wavelength, which would have had the worst "action spectrum")

Pulse Rate: 5,000 per second (= 200,000 nanoseconds): identical to reported research.

Duty Cycle (% on time) = 0.1% Some people believe that a short intense pulse provides a pumping action to the cell – a light pulse of this intensity apparently only heats a cell up by 1/100 of a degree, which apparently provides equivalent of about 1 atmosphere of pressure. It is well documented that Laser Therapy does increase cell permeability – increasing the flow of Calcium and Potassium thru the cell membrane among many other things.

Separate two blocks of treatment by 6 weeks. Both of the lymphedema LLLT reports in the literature
1) treat for 3 weeks, 2) wait for 6 weeks, 3) treat for a second 3 weeks,
4) then watch the arm diameter etc. continue to decrease for up to 6 months.

Resource limitation OR body just take time to heal? There may be some limited body resource for LLLT. It appears that there may be some limited resource. LLLT appears to be limited in either the body’s ability to create a resource (growth factor?) or distribute a resource. This resource limitation would account for a limitation of joules per square cm, even when 98% of the area is not illuminated. It would also account for a limited number of treatments per week – otherwise could instead of doing 3 treatments per week could do ay 20 treatments per week.

       Graph paper = 5mm divisions

Invested about 300 hours and $300 for parts, tools, books, subscriptions, and research

Eye Safety  I calculated the power level earlier this year. Even if a person were to focus on the Laser Diode for an entire minute their would be no damage. BUT: To be ultra safe, the controller buzzes while the IR is shining - for a maximum of 1 minute each time the on button is pushed. The power level is limited the current to 5 Amps - which gives 5 watts peak from each of the 4 Laser Diodes. The 5,000 pulses per second each last 3.5 microseconds.

Beam pattern of our 904 nm LLLT

Our LLLT shining thru 5mm grid paper.
The light spreads out as it goes thru the tissue - see following images

Our LLLT after passing thru 1.4 cm of cheese can still be detected by the camera
Camera showed no light after going thru 2.7 cm of cheese.
We expected to get approx 1/500 the light intensity after passing thru 2.7 cm as thru 1.4 cm

Our LLLT after passing thru about 1cm of meat

Note: all images were made with my standard digital camera thru paper with  5mm.
I have a Panasonic DMC-TZ1
Apparently most digital cameras can detect IR 'colors' (wavelengths).
Low-cost cameras usually do not have IR filters over their sensors

Very little LLLT after passing thru a hand (green dots). 
The bright sections are LLLT leaking between the fingers

For reference: LED flashlight after going thru 2.7 cm of cheese is a lot brighter (can click to see larger image)

Henry Lahore September 2008   hlahore@gmail.com


August 2009

LLLT can even get into the spinal column - provided the wavelength is about 800 NM  June 2009 publication.

An excellent review of LLLT dose treatment problems in the literature. 

Life Extension Foundation (which I subscribe to) had a good lay article on LLLT in Nov 2008

Judy now has a routine of using LLLT every 4 days.  She notices a build-up in lymph if there are more than 4 days between treatments.
She has also found that that she can have a maximum of 4 treatments on her body in the same night (averages out to 1 treatment per day).
A treatment is done just before going to bed - allows the body to concentrate on healing - strongly indicated in the literature.
4 treatments in less than5 minutes.
Judy tends to be tired the day after a treatment, even if she took Ribose to restore energy    click here for details on ribose

Henry has just tried using LLLT for neck pain.  Works great!  A Google search found 55,000 hits for (LLLT OR "laser therapy") and "neck pain"

Review about LLLT in neck pain clipped  "A more positive attitude can be found in the published neck pain review of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-10 Task Force (Hurwitz et al., Spine. 2008 Feb 15;33(4 Suppl):S123-52.) They were only able to identify five out of the existing 17 randomized placebo-controlled LLLT trials in neck pain. In this systematic review the results showed that LLLT was one of three effective therapies for other than whiplash-associated neck pain. Still, the conclusion manages to miss out this important finding and only mentions the other two interventions. So again, two steps forward and one step back."

In the same reference as above I noticed the following chart which shows a big increase in number of LLLT papers in Pubmed since 2000.

  (click on thumbnail to see bigger image)

Henry might try LLLT on his tinnitus soon too.  Have to investigate the wavelength to be used abstract of 2008 article

Sept 2009    Have come up with a 2.0 design ==> dropped, and worked on Vitamin D instead

   2.0  (2009) 1.0  (2008)


 2000 milliwatts, probably will dim it to 300 mw 
or 2 joules/sq. cm, however might limit it to the same joules per treatment point - which may be more important.

 300 milliwatts ?   Lasers can put out > 1000 mw, 2 joules/sq. cm.

Dark times - which appear to be important Probably keep the 0.1 second dark time, but will experiment with shorter times between. range 1/2 second to 3 seconds 0.1 second every 3 seconds.  A compromise which did not reduce intensity much but provided possibly important signaling to tissues


830 nm - almost visible, so there should be no safety concern

Would have preferred 800 nm, but 830 nm LED array is very low cost.

904 nm invisible - used phosphorescent screen to "see" it


20-30 LED   = $10 array for a surveillance camera

4 Laser diodes


 $30  guess


Shine thru bone

Yes   click to see why


Number of integrated circuits



Time to assemble

15 hours for first unit

150 hours & use of an oscilloscope

Oct 2010 update - Click here for 3 LLLT and Lymph news items from the web

Feb 2011 update: While LLLT has worked very well for my wife, due to liability concerns I do not supply the design nor sell the device to others.

LLLT for Neck Pain  Report of a meta-analysis in Lancet (2009) of 14 Random Controlled Trials which used 820–830 nm and 904 nm.

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21195 LLLT review May 2024_CompressPdf.pdf admin 17 May, 2024 708.23 Kb 61
20314 Red Light Therapy book.png admin 31 Oct, 2023 185.04 Kb 175