<div class="container container-fluid mb-4"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header p-2"> <div class="col-12 p-0 text-center"> <h4>Advanced search</h4> </div> <div class="col-12 border rounded-pill bg-white"> <div class="input-group mt-2 mb-2 pl-4 pr-4 p-0">{input _group="101" _filter="content" type="text" _field="title" class="border-0 cs_content_input form-control" placeholder="Type text here..." id="customMegaSearch"}<div class="input-group-append">{input type="Submit" value="Search" class="btn btn-primary text-uppercase"}<div id="megaSearchShowHideHelp" class="btn btn-light ">Help</div></div></div> </div> <div id="megaSearchHelp" class="col-12 font-italic" style="display:none;"> 1) AND Functionality by Default:
Searching for "AAA BBB" will yield results that include both "AAA AND BBB" as well as "BBB AND AAA".
2) OR Functionality:
To search for either "AAA or "BBB", use the keyword "OR".
For example, "5,000 OR 5000" will display results for both terms.
3) Wildcard Searching:
Input "COV*" to find any word that begins with "COV".
Input *ARCTIC to find both ARCTIC and ANTARTIC
4) Opening Results in a New Tab:
Right-click on a search result to open it in a separate tab.
This allows you to continue browsing other items from your search results in the original tab.
5) Unsupported Features:
The use of "-" is not supported. For instance, "AAA -BBB" will not produce the desired results.
While you can search using parentheses, like "(AAA BBB)",
wildcard operators cannot be used within parentheses. For example, "(AAA* BBB)" is invalid.
Focus your search by categories
{categories _group="102" _parent="0" _style="select" _categpath="y" multiple="multiple" _showdeep="y" _firstlabel="Optionally select one or more categories..."}
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</div> <div class="text-muted"><em>Find content using Google search</em></div> </div> </div> <div id="megaSearchRecommendedPages" class="col-6" style="display:none;"> VitaminDWiki Mega-Search (Interim Version)
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