HealthScan Blog Dr. William Davis April 2010
Appears that bone heal 30% faster when vitamin D level > 60 ng
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For any interested orthopedist, it would be an easy clinical study: Enroll people with traumatic fractures, randomize to vitamin D at, say, 10,000 units per day vs. placebo, watch who heals faster gauged by, for instance, x-ray. My prediction: Vitamin D will win hands down with faster healing and perhaps more assured fusion of the fracture site.
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See also VitaminDWiki
- Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough
- HMOs will save millions of dollars with vitamin D
- All items in After Surgery or Trauma
355 items - Should stock-up on vitamin D if having surgery due to fragile bones – Jan 2011
- Hardly any children had enough vitamin D before bone surgery – April 2011
- Osteoporosis medication 7X better when more than 33 ng of vitamin D – June 2011
- Is it ethical to not give vitamin D in osteoporosis trials– NEJM Sept 2010
- Calcium and vitamin D after hip fracture reduced death rate by 25% – Feb 2011
- Low vitamin D before orthopedic surgery – dark skin 5X more likely – Oct 2010
- All items in Cost Savings and Vitamin D
158 items - Overview Osteoporosis and Vitamin D
- Bone Health and vitamin D book - 2011
Noticed bones heal faster when more than 60 ng of vitamin D8151 visitors, last modified 30 Sep, 2013, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)