
Off topic: Brain Plasticity (best way to exercise your brain) – Interview Dec 2012

Update: Dementia risk reduced 29 percent by just 10 hours of computer brain plasticity training – RCT Dec 2017

Comment by the founder of VitaminDWiki Nov 2019

I have now used Posit Science for about a decade
Initially ~5 hours a week, recent years ~1/2 hour a week
If I cannot remember where I last left an item in <10 seconds
   I remind myself that I need another session with Posit Science.
In addition to improving my short-term memory recall it has:

  1. Increased the speed at which I can listen to videos to 3X of normal speed
  2. Greatly increased my biking safety 
    • I can glance behind me and detect cars etc in < 20 milliseconds
  3. Greatly increased my driving safety - far more awareness   
    • By the way - I believe that some auto insurance companies give free Posit-Science training
    • The companies have found that senior claims decreased by 50% after training

Interview of Dr. Merzenich by Dr. Mercola

  • After just 40 hours, senior brains work as though they were 14 years younger (age 70 ==> age 56)
  • 3 million children used it in public schools.
  • Users mix currently: 80% children, 20% adults
  • Entire schools have raised their tests results from 10% to 50%
  • Just as muscles need exercise, the brain needs exercise
  • Practice is needed by professional musician, tennis player a person needs to give their brains practice
  • 20 minutes a day. No longer than five or six or seven minutes spent on a specific task, because the benefits weaken if dwell too long
  • Need to do a specific task again within a day or so
  • They have created 30 cognitive exercises so far, only a few of which are in Brain HQ so far
  • Schizophrenics, autistics, and Alz have been helped with Brain HQ – get out of cognitive ruts
  • Have helped with cognitive losses following chemotherapy
  • Currently PC, MAC, iPad
    Only in English thus so far:
  • Clinical trials underway with the use of the SW with Traumatic Brain Injury, Schizophrenia, and Depression

Short URL = is.gd/PositSci