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Off topic – CBD conflict – W.H.O. non addicting, may have medical benefits, DEA US class 1 narcotic – Dec 2017

World Health Organization clashes with DEA on marijuana compound CBD

W.H.O. Dec 13, 2017

  • “To that end, the ECDD did an initial review of a cannabis compound called cannabidiol (CBD). Recent evidence from animal and human studies shows that its use could have some therapeutic value for seizures due to epilepsy and related conditions. Current evidence also shows that cannabidiol is not likely to be abused or create dependence as for other cannabinoids (such as Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC), for instance). The ECDD therefore concluded that current information does not justify scheduling of cannabidiol and postponed a fuller review of cannabidiol preparations to May 2018, when the committee will undertake a comprehensive review of cannabis and cannabis related substances.”

Note by Henry Lahore, founder of VitaminDWiki

I bought CBD on Amazon almost two years ago for my 103 year old father-in-law, Ken
It works well at relieving pain and stress
Dozens of companies now sell CBD on Amazon
   Note: hemp oil is far less concentrated than CBD
CBD is legal in all 50 states, but the US DEA still classes it as a narcotic

Study: Nearly 70% of online CBD marijuana extracts are mislabeled Nov 2017

  • “n a study of 84 CBD products sold by 31 companies online, blind testing found that only about 31 percent of them contained the amount of CBD listed on the label (within +/- 10 percent).” JAMA study
  • “Of the 84 tested, 26 (~31 percent) were accurately labeled, 36 (42 percent) had more CBD than was on the label (under-labeled), and 22 (26 percent) had less (over-labeled). Vaporization liquid had the highest error rate, with only three of 24 products (12.5 percent) being accurately labeled and 18 (75 percent) containing more CBD that the amount listed on the label. Oils were the most spot-on; of 40 products tested, 18 (45 percent) were accurately labeled, while 12 (30 percent) had less CBD than was listed on the label.”

Massive scientific report on marijuana confirms medical benefits Jan 2017

487 page report by National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

"The other big takeaways of the report include:"

  • Cannabis and cannabinoids were effective at treating chronic pain, particularly that related to multiple-sclerosis. The substances were also effective for treating chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting in cancer patients
  • Cannabis and cannabinoids use is not linked to cancers that arise from smoking, such as lung and neck cancers. However, smoking may increase respiratory problems, like chronic phlegm, if it’s done on a regular basis.
  • Smoking marijuana while pregnant can result in lower birth weights, but it’s unclear if there are long-term effects in children. States in which cannabis use is legal report upticks in accidental poisonings of children compared with states that don’t allow for use.
  • There’s not enough research to know how marijuana use relates to heart attack, strokes, or diabetes. But there’s some evidence that smoking pot could trigger a heart attack.
  • There’s a little evidence that marijuana could have anti-inflammatory effects, but otherwise there’s not enough research to know how cannabis and cannabinoids affect the immune system or those who are immune-compromised.
  • Using marijuana may increase the risk of developing mental health issues, such as schizophrenia, anxiety, and to a lesser extent depression.
  • There’s a little evidence that using marijuana increases the risk of using other drugs—mostly tobacco. However, the committee found a clear link between people who use marijuana and those prone to developing substance dependence.
  • Using marijuana immediately impairs learning, memory, and attention. There’s a little evidence that impairments could linger in people who stop smoking and—for those who start young—could affect educational achievement and employment.

Here are my bookmarks for CBD research to be done as of Dec 2017

CBD is one of about 50 projects which I have not had time to investigate

Cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis Help Treat Many Symptoms
The Entourage Effect: Whole-Plant Cannabis Medicine
Medical uses of marijuana (Cannabis sativa): fact or fallacy? - Abstract - Europe PubMed Central
Topics tagged with: Marijuana
Results From PatientsLikeMe Survey Highlight Patient Beliefs About Medical Marijuana
CBD CNB BBG Rich Hemp Oil Salve High Cannabinoid by carolsbackyard
Health - CBD (cannabidiol) as a pain killer? - Drugs Forum
Project CBD
Science « Project CBD 20 countries
Charlotte's Web Strain Information - Leafly
CBD Oil for Sale – But Who Really Needs It?
CBD Fact and Fiction
Hemp and CBD Oil FAQs
CBD Oil For Pain
CBD May Prevent Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Cannabis Oil: I Went From 330 Pills to One Drop-Spinal Lesions - YouTube
How ‘Medical’ Is Marijuana? - The New York Times
How Cannabis oil works to kill cancer - www.CureYourOwnCancer.org
Studies on CBD and Cancer
CBD oil results in cancer treatment: an oncologist’s opinion
Rick Simpson: Cure Cancer With Cannabis THC, Not CBD
Cannabis Cures Cancer
Cannabidiol in medical marijuana: Research vistas and potential opportunities. - PubMed - NCBI
Neurological aspects of medical use of cannabidiol. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabidiol: State of the art and new challenges for therapeutic applications. - PubMed - NCBI
The legal status of cannabis (marijuana) and cannabidiol (CBD) under U.S. law. - PubMed - NCBI
Cell Press - Shopping Cart: Cell Press
Cannabidiol: O Epidemic. $31
Cannabidiol anticancer 2013
Cannabinoids could make opioids more effective, meaning pain relief with lower doses and reduced risk of dependency
Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain | EurekAlert! Science News
How Backyard Pot Farming Is Helping Kids With Autism - The Atlantic
Marijuana for palliative care: Interview with hospice doctor - HealthMJ
Medical marijuana in hospice and palliative care ~ Pallimed
Use of cannabinoids in cancer care: palliative care
America’s First Hospice To Begin Groundbreaking Medical Cannabis Study
Dr. Dustin Sulak on America’s Opiate Addiction Crisis and How Medical Cannabis Can Help
How Cannabis Could Turn the Opioid Epidemic Around | Leafly
Opiate Withdrawals and Cannabidiol (CBD) To Relive Symptoms
CBD-Drug Interactions: Role of Cytochrome P450
CBD discovered 2009, ratio
cannabis for autism
Cannabidiol - Wikipedia
CBD: The Medical Marijuana and Hemp Cannabidiol community
Is CBD Legal: global list
Legality of cannabis by country - Wikipedia
Global CBD - Order the highest quality CBD available - Global CBD
The States of Marijuana - Lexology
DEA Clarifies Marijuana Extract Rule and CBD Legality | Kight on Cannabis
CBD -What is CBD? |CBD Product Information |Cannabidiol – cbdforlife
CBD Oil: forms
The Bespoke High Is the Future of Marijuana - The Atlantic
Natural cannabinoids from omega-3 fatty acids combat inflammation
Studies on CBD and Insomnia/Sleep Disorders
Studies on CBD and Schizophrenia
A critical review of the antipsychotic effects of cannabidiol: 30 years of a translational investigation. - PubMed - NCBI
F.D.A. Warns Companies Against Claims That Marijuana Cures Diseases - The New York Times
Scientific Publications

VitaminDWiki pages with CBD in title (7 as of Aug 2022)

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8952 400 page M and CBD.pdf admin 17 Dec, 2017 3.79 Mb 1717