
Omega-3 provides many cardiovascular benefits – April 2018

The relationship between omega‐3 fatty acids and blood pressure

Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. First published: 2 April 2018 https://doi.org/10.1111/jphs.12227
Christy Abraham Robert C. Speth

Omega‐3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that play a critical role in the human body. The three main types of omega‐3 fatty acids are alpha‐linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. This review describes characteristics of omega‐3 fatty acids and their ability to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.


Update Sept 2018: 4 grams of Omega-3 used in clinical trial for 5 years ==> 25% decrease in cardiovascular problems

Omega-3 Fat EPA Significantly Lowers Heart Disease Risk Mercola
4 grams of EPA per day ( Vascepa trial called REDUCE-IT) vs placebo
perhaps aiming for Omega-3 index = 8

Vitamin D and Omega-3 category starts with

411 Omega-3 items in category Omega-3 helps with: Autism (7 studies), Depression (28 studies), Cardiovascular (34 studies), Cognition (52 studies), Pregnancy (46 studies), Infant (34 studies), Obesity (14 studies), Mortality (7 studies), Breast Cancer (5 studies), Smoking, Sleep, Stroke, Longevity, Trauma (12 studies), Inflammation (18 studies), Multiple Sclerosis (9 studies), VIRUS (12 studies), etc
CIlck here for details

Omega-3 and Cardiovascular (items in both categories)

 Download the PDF from sci-hub via VitaminDWiki

Summary of above table for searching and translation to other languages

Significant Decrease References
Systolic blood pressure 31,44–46,50–52,54
Diastolic blood pressure 46,51–54
Plasma triacylglyceride 44
Ambulatory blood pressure 47
Mean arterial pressure 49
Heart rate 49
Pulse pressure 51
Basal heart rate 51
Total cholesterol 53
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol53
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol53

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday October 8, 2018 09:08:37 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)

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9679 Omega-3 T1.jpg admin 10 Apr, 2018 39.01 Kb 533
9678 Omega-3 blood pressure.pdf admin 10 Apr, 2018 174.88 Kb 597