Vitamin D and muscle strength, functional ability and balance in peritoneal dialysis patients with vitamin D deficiency.
Clin Nephrol. 2011 Aug;76(2):110-6.
Taskapan H, Baysal O, Karahan D, Durmus B, Altay Z, Ulutas O.
Nephrology Department, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Turgut Ozal Medical Center of Inonu University, Medical Faculty, Malatya, Turkey.
25(OH)D deficiency has been associated with significantly worse physical performance in individuals with normal renal function. We examined the physical function, muscle strength and balance in age- and gender-matched 25 Stage 3 - 4 CKD patients and 47 Stage 5 CKD patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) with vitamin D deficiency by objective methods and evaluated the effect of vitamin D replacement on physical performance tests: the "timed up and go" (TUG) test, gait velocity test, timed chair stand test, stair climb test, dynamic balance tests (TUG test, dynamic postural stability test), static balance test (functional reach test) and muscle strength in these two groups.
At baseline 25(OH)D in the Stage 3 - 4 CKD patients and patients on PD were 6.9 ± 3.5 ng/ ml (17.2 ± 8.7 nmol/l) and 5.7 ± 3.3 ng/ml (14.2 ± 8.2 nmol/l), respectively (p > 0.05). Mean (± SD) 25(OH)D in Stage 3 - 4 CKD patients and those on PD were 52.0 ± 40.9 ng/ml (129.7 ± 102.2 nmol/l) and 41.9 ± 21, ng/ml (104,5 ± 52,6 nmol/l) respectively after vitamin D replacement (p > 0.05).
When both Stage 3 - 4 CKD and dialysis patients became vitamin D-sufficient after vitamin D replacement, they took a significantly shorter time to complete the TUG test, gait velocity test, the timed chair stand test and stair climb test.
Results of physical performance tests, static and dynamic balance tests and isometric strength tests improved in both groups after the treatment (p < 0.05).
In conclusion, our results show that vitamin D supplementation improves muscle strength, functional ability and balance in both CKD and dialysis patients.
PMID: 21762642
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- CKD: 7 ng ==> 52 ng
- Peritoneal dialysis: 6 ng==> 42 ng
- Much faster physical test times after becoming vitamin D sufficient
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See also VitaminDWiki
- Overview Kidney and vitamin D
- All Kidney and Vitamin D items in VitaminDWiki 63 items Aug 2011
- Application to FDA for use of active Vitamin D for hemodialysis patients – July 2011
- Dialysis patients with low vitamin D were 2.7 X more likely to die of heart problems – Feb 2011
- Virtually all black dialysis patients with low albumin are vitamin D deficient in the winter – Mar 2010
- Low vitamin D associated with hemodialysis problems – May 2010
- Kidney failure and vitamin D deficiency vicious cycle – Jan 2011
- Each 10 ng increase in vitamin D decreased kidney disease death by 14 percent – May 2011 Meta-analysis