
Pituitary, Growth Hormone and Vitamin D – Aug 2024

Vitamin D in pituitary driven osteopathies

Pituitary https://doi.org/10.1007/s11102-024-01439-3
Sabrina Chiloiro, Flavia Costanza, Elena Riccardi, Antonella Giampietro, Laura De Marinis, Antonio Bianchi, Alfredo Pontecorvi & Andrea Giustina

The evidence that pituitary hormones may bypass peripheral endocrine glands to exert remarkable effects on the skeleton is gaining ground. Both hormonal excess and deficit may determine impairment in bone structure, and they commonly result in bone loss in patients affected by pituitary and neuroendocrine disorders. Vertebral fractures are the most common skeletal alterations and may occur independently of bone mass. Use of vitamin D (VD) supplementation is still debated in this setting. This review will focus on the interactions between different metabolites of VD and pituitary hormones, and the effects of VD supplementation on bone metabolism in patients with pituitary diseases.
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Children being treated with Growth Hormone grew faster if they had higher levels of Vitamin D - May 2022

Effect of Vitamin D level on growth velocity of RHGH treated children
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Volume 113, Issue Supplement_1, March 2020 https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/hcaa063.034
W A Mouharam, A A Saab, D A Soliman

Recent studies have shown a relationship between vitamin D status, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 axis. Aims of the study are: 1- To evaluate the vitamin-D blood level in children on substitution treatment with rhGH. 2. To find out correlation between the vitamin D level and growth velocity with rhGH therapy, height, height SDS, height/height SDS after 1 year of treatment

The study included 173 prepubertal children, with short stature on treatment with rhGH (90 girls and 81 boys), aged between 2 and 10.3 years. To determine vitamin D status we measured serum 1,25-OH vitamin D by taking a single blood sample in the morning, in a fasting stage. Growth velocity over the year of observation, starting height, height SDS, height at the end of the year and its SDS all were calculated and correlated to vitamin D level.

In the present study: 56 patients had vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/ml); 54 had vitamin D insufficiency (10–20 ng/ml) and 63 had vitamin D sufficiency (>20 ng/ml). No statistical significance correlation was found between vitamin D level and height, height SDS, follow up height, and follow up height SDS (P.09, .066, .455, .927 respectively)
Significant positive correlation was found between vitamin D and growth velocity (r .445 and P.0001).

Optimizing vitamin D level in patients with short stature under growth hormone therapy may improve growth velocity and response to growth hormone.
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The fine crosstalk between vitamin D and pituitary gland – 2023

Int J Bone Frag. 2023; 3(1):2-6 https:doi.org/10.57582/IJBF.230301.002
Simona Bolamperti, Isabella Villa, Andrea Giustina
Endocrine and Osteometabolic Lab, Institute of Endocrine and Metabolic Sciences, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy

Vitamin D, unlike other vitamins, is a fat-soluble steroid hormone rather than a cofactor for enzymatic reactions. The main role of vitamin D is to regulate bone metabolism and calcium-phosphate homeostasis. Lack of vitamin D causes osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults, and rickets in children. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression levels throughout the body are quite variable. Interestingly, VDRs are found in pituitary tissue. Unsurprisingly, vitamin D levels might impact hypophyseal production or activity of hormones such as growth hormone, gonadotropins (follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone), prolactin, corticotropin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). On the other hand, pituitary hor­mones also influence vitamin D metabolism and several pituitary diseases are known to impact bone health. The aim of the present review is to collect available data on the crosstalk between vitamin D and the pituitary gland.
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6+ VitaminDWiki pages have ACROMEGALY or GROWTH HORMONE in the title

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21645 Pituritary crosstalk.pdf admin 27 Aug, 2024 212.25 Kb 87
21644 pituitary 2023_CompressPdf.pdf admin 27 Aug, 2024 129.83 Kb 27
21640 PH and Vitamin D.webp admin 26 Aug, 2024 33.23 Kb 47
21639 pituitary bone and Vitamin D_CompressPdf.pdf admin 26 Aug, 2024 390.59 Kb 30