
Reptiles ate as well with all UV sources – Jan 2011

Serum Vitamin D Levels and Skeletal and General Development of Young Bearded Dragon Lizards (Pogona vitticeps), under Different Conditions of UV-B Radiation Exposure

K.R. Kroenlein, K.L. Zimmerman, G. Saunders and S.D. Holladay
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Year: 2011 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 229-234
DOI: 10.3923/javaa.2011.229.234

CLICK HERE for full research

Tried many different UV sources, but the bearded dragon reptiles ate as much under each UV source.
Article mentions that perhaps none of the UV sources were been strong enough

UV Sources:

  • group 1 with a ZooMed Laboratories, Inc. PowerSun® UV 100 W mercury vapor.
  • group 2 with a 20 W full spectrum compact fluorescent bulb (Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc., P.O. Box 1087, Jackson, MI 49204, USA; Model PCF 209155).
  • group 3 with a ZooMed Laboratories, Inc. Reptisun® (5.0) hard-quartz glass fluorescent tube light.
  • group 4 with a standard 100 W incandescent bulb.
  • group 5 was maintained outside in an area protected from wind and rain

UV-B radiation levels were measured using a digital ultraviolet radiometer (ZooMed Laboratories, 3650 Sacramento Drive, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401; Digital Ultraviolet Radiometer Item # ST-6).
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Strange: it appears that while the bulbs all put out about the same amount of UVB that there was a big difference in the vitamin D in the reptiles

Suspect that the spectrum is somehow important

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429 Bearded dragon UV Jan 2011.gif admin 29 Jan, 2011 10.35 Kb 1502