Evaluation of vitamin D plasma levels after mild exposure to the sun with photoprotection.
An Bras Dermatol. 2019 Jan-Feb;94(1):56-61. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20198070.
Pereira LA1, Luz FB2, Carneiro CMMO3, Xavier ALR4, Kanaan S4, Miot HA5.
This study used a single day of narrowband UVB tanning bed
Note: Any lotion will reduce reflection from the skin: suntan oli, sunscreen
Suntan oils which reduced reflection used to be used to increase a tan
Suntan oils had SPF of 0.6 to 0.2
Note: Sunshine also includes UVA
Note: The title of this study includes the word SUN, but the sun also has UVA
- Have We Gotten Sunscreen Totally Wrong - Jan 2019
- The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
- Widespread regular sunscreen application deemed not useful in the US – April 2018
- Overview Skin and vitamin D
- Embrace the Sun – benefits of the sun (Nitric Oxide etc.) – book June 2018
- Avoiding the sun reduces lifespan by 2 years (smoking reduces lifespan by 10 years) – March 2016
- Dermatologists use sun block, stay indoors, and have low vitamin D (Thai in this study) – Dec 2018
- Sunscreen use is no longer associated with reduced skin cancer – meta-analysis April 2018
- Vitamin D protects DNA against UV skin damage – 5 studies 2012-2013
- Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D which has the following chart
Noontime sun and D category starts with
Noontime sun and D hassee also
No – 10 minutes per day of sun-UVB is NOT enough
Vitamin D Myths - SUN
Optimize vitamin D from the sun
Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D
Overview UV and vitamin D
50 ng of Vitamin D - 100 hours of noon sunbathing OR 3 dollars of Vit D
3.3 X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if wear long-sleeves – Oct 2022
Sun and UV
Avoiding the sun may be as bad as smoking - many studies
Vitamin D from the sun without the heat (silver-coated plexiglass)
Opinion: sun better than UV better than vitamin D
Fewer cognitive problems if more sun or Vitamin D
Which Is Worse - Avoiding Sunlight or Vitamin D Deficiency – April 2019
Have We Gotten Sunscreen Totally Wrong - Jan 2019
People who get little noon-day sun must supplement with Vitamin D – systematic review June 2017
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century (sunscreen block Vitamin D) - 2017
Does Less Sun mean More Disease 5 minute video
340,000 US deaths annually due to insufficient sun (some due to low vitamin D) – July 2020
Health benefit of Sunlight is more than Vitamin D in the blood - many studies
5 Amazing Properties of Sunlight You've Never Heard About
Vitamin D and Sun conference – Germany June 2017
Items in both categories Skin and UV
- Skin Aging and Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitiligo associated with low vitamin D (Note: Vit. D and UV has treated it for over a decade) – meta-analysis March 2021
- UVB phototherapy (which increases Vitamin D and VDR) decreased risk of many heart and stroke problems – July 2020
- Sunscreen (SPF-30) slightly increased the vitamin D from UVB – RCT Jan 2019
- Vitamin D Receptor in vitiligo skin activated by UVB – May 2018
- Ultraviolet light (which produces vitamin D) decreased the use of psoriasis drugs for a year – Aug 2017
- Sunburning reduced by 200,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT April 2017
- Phototherapy and vitamin D – Sept 2016
- Many other anti-cancer photoproducts generated on the skin in addition to vitamin D – Jan 2014
- UVB increases vitamin D even if poor kidney by changing CYP27B1 genes in skin – Dec 2013
- Vitiligo (loss of skin pigment) treated by narrowband UVB
- Eczema not reduced in small study which used narrowband UVB to raise vitamin D levels – Feb 2014
- Dermatologists view of UV radiation and the Skin – June 2013
- Intense UV damages cadaver skin– Oct 2012
- Possible DNA damage of skin if vitamin D levels less than 20 nanograms – April 2012
- For small amounts of sunshine the amount of skin exposed may not matter – Jan 2011
- Overview Skin and vitamin D
- Wrinkles and UVB
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Not statistically significant
Most of the organism's vitamin D (VD) is obtained through the cutaneous synthesis after exposure to the sun's UVB radiation. Sunscreens are indicated for the prevention of actinic damage to the skin, however, there are few clinical trials assessing the synthesis of cutaneous VD in real-life situations of sun exposure with ordinary clothing and usual photoprotection.
To evaluate the synthesis of VD with suberythemal sun exposure in healthy adults using topical photoprotection (SPF 30).
Quasi-experimental study, conducted at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), during winter, with 95 healthy adults who had 25-OH-VD checked twice, 24 hours apart, and were exposed to the sun (UVB=20 mJ/cm2), according to a randomized grouping: SC - use of SPF 30 on the face, neck and chest (n=64), NO - no sunscreens (n=10), CO - confined from sun exposure for 24h (n=21). The groups were matched according to the propensity score related to gender, age, phototype, body mass index, glycosylated hemoglobin and baseline levels of VD. The outcome evaluated was the variation (ΔVD) in serum level of 25-OH-VD (ng/ml) between the groups.
A statistically significant difference was identified between CO and SC groups [median (p25-p75)]: ΔVD =1.4 (-0.3-3.6) vs. 5.5 (4.8-6.6); p<0.01. There was no difference between SC and NO groups: 5.4 (3.1-6.1) vs. 4.1 (2.5-6.0); p=0.17.
Laboratory analysis technique (chemiluminescence) with great variability, loss of food intake standardatization, unbalanced groups.
Suberythemal sun exposure with sunscreen (SPF 30) provides similar vitamin D serum variation than without photoprotection in healthy adults.
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