
T1 Diabetes treated by Vitamin D and Omega-3 - Jan 2018

Administration of vitamin D and high dose of omega 3 to sustain remission of type 1 diabetes.

Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018 Jan;22(2):512-515. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201801_14203.
Cadario F1, Savastio S, Ricotti R, Rizzo AM, Carrera D, Maiuri L, Ricordi C.
1 Department of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy. CRicordi at med.miami.edu.

Two cases of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in pediatric subjects treated with supplementation with high dose vitamin D and omega 3 are reported. A similar pattern of remission of the disease was observed, resulting in restoration and subsequent persistence of optimal metabolic control, one and two years after T1D onset. Minimal basal insulin administration (0.1 IU/kg/die) in a single evening injection was required. The immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of the supplements were likely contributing to the observed effect. Similarities in genotyping and autoantibody patterns in these two cases could be of assistance to identify which subjects with T1D could benefit from this supplemental therapy. High dose vitamin D and omega 3 could be of assistance in childhood T1D therapy, to prolong preservation of endogenous insulin secretion in the absence of side effects. We do not know how long the state of remission can last, but these initial results are promising and represented a significant benefit for the two pediatric subjects treated. Larger controlled studies will determine the long-term effect of this proposed supplementation and its possible cost-benefits, including reduction of hypoglycemic episodes and complications.
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