Toggle Health Problems and D

Take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly before and after COVID-19 vaccination

Reduce the chance of getting COVID by 2X while waiting for vaccination

If get COVID-19 symptoms take 200,000 IU immediately

If you have recently gotten good vitamin D test results you can take less (100,000 IU)
Note: >70% of the RCT using Vitamin D to fight COVID-19 are using at least 100,000 IU during the first week
RCTs for COVID-19

Have fewer side effects from a vaccine

Proven with many previous vaccines, expected for this one as well

Increase the effectiveness of a vaccine

Proven with many previous vaccines, expected for this one as well

Vitamin D and COVID-19: studies, observations, trials, etc.

COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

Enjoy the many proven benefits of Vitamin D (not COVID-19)

Additional ways to quickly fortify your immune system

  1. Resveratrol etc increases activation of genes (VDR) which increases vitamin D getting to cells

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday January 20, 2021 18:38:48 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 14)