- Subset of Illustrated History of Heart Disease 1825-2015 Diet Heart News Aug 2012
- 15+ VitaminDWiki pages having FRUCTOSE OR HFCS in the title
- See also VitaminDWiki
- See also trans-fats
- MORE cholesterol is associated with FEWER deaths - around the entire world
- Overview Deficiency of vitamin D has the following chart
Subset of Illustrated History of Heart Disease 1825-2015 Diet Heart News Aug 2012
Note: lard and butter used to have lots of vitamin D and Omega-3
1910 | Lifetime risk of type II diabetes was 1 in 30; today 1 in 3 |
1910 | butter consumption = 18 pounds per capita – mortality from heart disease was below 10 percent. |
1910 | Lard, the rendered fat from outdoor-living pigs, was the #1 cooking fat – enjoying 70 % of the market. lard was the best source of Vitamin D |
1911 | Proctor & Gamble introduce Crisco, |
1912 | Dr. James B. Herrick first described a form of heart disease he called “hardening of the arteries.” |
1924 | American Heart Association (AHA) – founded. |
1937 | Biochemists demonstrated that dietary cholesterol had very little effect on blood cholesterol. Never refuted |
1949 | Arterioslcerosis is added to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), causing a sharp increase in reported deaths from heart disease |
1950 | Discovered several fat-like substances circulating in the blood, including LDL and VLDL. Reported that total cholesterol (TC) was a “dangerously poor predictor” of heart disease. |
1951 | Ancel Keys, professor, University of Minnesota, attends a conference in Rome on nutrition and disease and learns that heart disease was rare in some Mediterranean populations who consumed a lower fat diet. He noted, too, that the Japanese had low fat diets and low rates of heart disease. He hypothesized from these observations that fat was the cause of heart disease. |
1953 | Ancel Keys, convinced that dietary fat is the cause of heart disease, published his Six Country Analysis, suggesting an association between dietary fat and mortality from heart disease. Critics pointed out that Keys had data for 22 countries, but selected data from just 6. (As an example, Keys excluded France, a country with a high fat diet and low rates of heart disease.) Keys selected data – he cheated! |
1956 | American Heart Association (conducts a nationwide fundraiser on all three TV networks urging Americans to reduce their intake of total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. |
1957 | Margarine outsold butter for the first time. Has no vitamin D and Excess Omega-6 |
1961 | Framingham Heart Study (data from five years). Men under 50 with elevated cholesterol were at greater risk of heart disease. However, this group of vulnerable middle-aged men were also more likely to smoke, be overweight, and not exercise – the famous Framingham “risk factors” and elevated cholesterol was at the top of the list. |
1973 | American Medical Association (AMA) attacks Dr. Atkins calling his high fat diet a “dangerous fraud.” |
1976 | FDA gives GRAS status (generally regarded as safe) to hydrogenated soybean oil – even though lipid biochemist Mary Enig, PhD, warned the government that – among their many dangers – trans fats interfere with insulin receptors on cell membranes and thereby increase the risk of diabetes. |
1977 | “All hell broke loose!” in Washington DC after the proposed guidelines were released. Major players - like the American Medical Association – and scientists in federal government agencies were aghast at what McGovern and his staff of non-scientists had come up with. At this juncture, McGovern was forced to schedule six additional hearings. |
1978 | High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) enters the sweetener market. |
1980 | U.S. Department of Agriculture released the official first ever low fat Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In bold face on the cover: “EAT LESS FAT, SATURATED FAT, AND CHOLESTEROL.” |
1984 | Anthony Gotto, president, American Heart Association, said, “If everyone went ahead with cholesterol-lowering, we will conquer atherosclerosis by the year 2000.” |
1986 | For the first time blood cholesterol over 200 mg/dl is treated as a disease. |
1986 | U.S. declared “War on Cholesterol,” |
1987 | Another ignored finding in the Framingham Heart Study: “Framingham residents whose cholesterol levels declined over the first 14 years were more likely to die prematurely of heart disease and cancer than those whose cholesterol remained the same or increased.” |
1987 | Mevacor, the first cholesterol-lowering statin drug, was approved in record time. |
1988 | Surgeon General’s :“Highest priority is given to reducing fat intake.” |
1988 | After 20 years researching carbohydrate metabolism, Gerald Reavan, MD, University of California, announces his discovery of “Syndrome X,” now referred to as Metabolic Syndrome or diabetes-related heart disease. Syndrome X is a cluster of abnormalities, including high blood sugar, high insulin levels, elevated triglycerides, and depressed protective HDL. |
1990 | In the year 2000, the CDC reported that the lifetime risk of diabetes is now 1 in 3. |
1999 | At the 14 year point in the Harvard Nurses Study, 3,000 nurses had developed cancer. According to study leader Walter Willett, the less fat the nurses ate the greater their risk of cancer. Willett said, “Saturated fat seems to be protective… |
2000 | Nutritious lard consumption: Less than 1 pound per capita. |
2000 | Sugar consumption in the US reaches 150 pounds per capita – most of it HFCS |
2000 | Butter consumption in the US goes below 4 pounds per capita. |
2000 | Well over $1 billion has been spent on trials focusing on lowering LDL cholesterol. |
2002 | What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie? – Gary Taubes’ New York Times magazine cover story (July 07, 2002) signaled that after three decades low-fat could be on its way out. Taubes pointed out that the science behind low fat was never proven and was actually based on “a leap of faith” |
2005 | More than 30 percent of all Americans are clinically obese |
2005 | butter is making a comeback! For the first time since 1957, butter outsells margarine |
15+ VitaminDWiki pages having FRUCTOSE OR HFCS in the title
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 15
See also VitaminDWiki
- Death by Sugar
- Overview Obesity and Vitamin D
- All items: Food and vitamin D
112 items - "Free range" lard has 500 IU vitamin D per teaspoon
- Omega-3: many benefits include helping vitamin D which has the following graphs
- All items in Cholesterol and vitamin D
52 items - Overview Cholesterol and vitamin D
- Overview Cardiovascular and vitamin D
- Fat Is My Friend - Jan 2018
- All items in category Predict Vitamin D
82 items - Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D huge recent decrease in Omega-3 - chart below is shown
See also trans-fats
The Worst Fat in the Food Supply NYT May 2017
- "A mere 2 % increase in calories from trans fats can raise the risk of coronary heart disease by as much as 29 %. Substituting a healthy fat like extra-virgin olive oil or canola oil for those containing trans fats could prevent 30,000 to 100,000 premature deaths a year, the American Medical Association concluded in 2013."
- "Denmark was the first to act, banning trans fats from food products and virtually eliminating them from that country’s food supply in 2004. Within three years, the ban had saved an average of 14.2 lives per 100,000 people a year, according to a study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine."
MORE cholesterol is associated with FEWER deaths - around the entire world
Overview Deficiency of vitamin D has the following chart
Timeline of Heart Disease, Diabetes, fats, lard, HFCS, and vitamin D – Aug 201212805 visitors, last modified 24 Oct, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)