
UV produces more than vitamin D – Aug 2011

Modulation of the immune system by UV radiation: more than just the effects of vitamin D?

Nat Rev Immunol. 2011 Aug 19. doi: 10.1038/nri3045.
Hart PH, Gorman S, Finlay-Jones JJ.
Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Centre for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, PO Box 855, Perth, Western Australia 6872, Australia.

Humans obtain most of their vitamin D through the exposure of skin to sunlight. The immunoregulatory properties of vitamin D have been demonstrated in studies showing that vitamin D deficiency is associated with poor immune function and increased disease susceptibility.

The benefits of moderate ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure and the positive latitude gradients observed for some immune-mediated diseases may therefore reflect the activities of UV-induced vitamin D.

Alternatively, other mediators that are induced by UV radiation may be more important for UV-mediated immunomodulation. Here, we compare and contrast the effects of UV radiation and vitamin D on immune function in immunopathological diseases, such as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and asthma, and during infection.

397 references in Google Scholar as of Aug 2020

See also VitaminDWiki

The articles in both of the categories MS and UV are: