
UV spectra of the sun and sunscreens

Most sunscreen block most of vitamin D and let the suntan wavelengths to get to the skin

Wanted: not block UVB, but block the UVA
Sunscreen wanted

Perhaps sunscreen pills being sold in 2012 will have a spectra more like wanted

Charts from http://www.detertec.com/sun_radiometry.html

Red = sunlight in space, Green = sunlight in Equator


Red = sunlight in space, Green = sunlight in Equator Blue = sunlight in Albuquerque, NM


Red = sunlight in space, Green = sunlight in Equator Blue = Vitamin D action spectra

No vitamin D is produced in UVA-1 or UVA-2


Red = sunlight (probably on ground); other lines = amount of light filtered thru different sunscreens


We see than many sunscreen products do NOT block the upper UVA

This might be the reason that as people feel that they can stay out in the sun longer they get more cancer while getting less vitamin D

See also VitaminDWiki

in wiki page and PDF with same title

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
247 sun4.png admin 22 Oct, 2010 59.21 Kb 16707
246 sun3.png admin 22 Oct, 2010 56.06 Kb 3314
245 sun2.png admin 22 Oct, 2010 63.34 Kb 2610
244 sun1.png admin 22 Oct, 2010 45.75 Kb 2574