
Vaginosis during pregnancy 5X more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2011

Maternal vitamin D, folate, and polyunsaturated fatty acid status and bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy.

Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2011;2011:216217. doi: 10.1155/2011/216217. Epub 2011 Dec 8.
Dunlop AL, Taylor RN, Tangpricha V, Fortunato S, Menon R.
Department of Family & Preventive Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. amlang at emory.edu

OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations among serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OH-D), folate, omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio and bacterial vaginosis (BV) during pregnancy.

METHODS: Biospecimens and data were derived from a random sample (N = 160) of women from the Nashville Birth Cohort. We compared mean plasma nutrient concentrations for women with and without BV during pregnancy (based on Nugent score ?7) and assessed the odds of BV for those with 25-OH-D <12?ng/mL, folate <5?ug/L, and omega-6/omega-3 ratio >15.

RESULTS: The mean plasma 25-OH-D was significantly lower among women with BV during pregnancy (18.00±8.14?ng/mL versus 24.34±11.97?ng/mL, P = 0.044).
The adjusted odds of BV were significantly increased among pregnant women with
25-OH-D <12?ng/mL (aOR 5.11, 95% CI: 1.19-21.97) and
folate <5?ug/L (aOR 7.06, 95% CI: 1.07-54.05).

Vitamin D and folate deficiencies were strongly associated with BV (Nugent score ?7) during pregnancy.

PMID: 22190843
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