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Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024

The effectiveness of interventions to reduce the transmission of acute respiratory infections in care homes: a systematic review

Journal of Public Health, fdae178, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdae178
Merlin L Willcox, Deepthi Lavu, Usaid Yousaf, Sam Dalton, Nia Roberts, Annette Plüddemann

Care home residents are at high risk from outbreaks of respiratory infections, such as influenza and COVID-19. We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, to determine which interventions (apart from vaccines) are effective at reducing transmission of acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) in care homes.

We searched CINAHL, Medline, Embase and Cochrane for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions to prevent transmission of ARIs in care homes (excluding vaccines), to April 2023.

A total of 21 articles met inclusion criteria. Two infection control interventions significantly reduced respiratory infections.

  • Oseltamivir significantly reduced risk of symptomatic laboratory-confirmed influenza (OR 0.39, 95%CI 0.16–0.94, three trials), and influenza-like illness (OR 0.50, 95%CI 0.36–0.69), even in a vaccinated population.
  • High dose vitamin D supplementation reduced incidence of ARIs (incidence rate ratio 0.60; 95%CI 0.38–0.94, one trial).

Nine other RCTs of vitamin, mineral, probiotic and herbal supplements showed no significant effect.

Transmission of respiratory infections in care homes can be reduced by educational interventions to improve infection control procedures and compliance by staff, by antiviral prophylaxis soon after a case of influenza has been detected, and by supplementation with high-dose Vitamin D3. Further research is needed to confirm the effect of high-dose Vitamin D3.

How this fits in

  • NICE guidelines recommending antiviral prophylaxis for care home residents, during influenza outbreaks, are often not implemented. This research shows that antiviral prophylaxis can halve the risk of influenza even in vaccinated care home residents, if given within 7 days of the first case in the care home.
  • Current NICE guidelines recommend supplementation with Vitamin D at 400 IU daily. This research shows that high-dose supplementation (100 000 IU per month) can reduce risk of respiratory infections by 40%.

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Refers to: High-dose monthly vitamin D for prevention of acute respiratory infection in older longterm care residents - RCT 2017

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12+ VitaminDWiki Immunity pages have RCT in the title

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Items found: 13

45+ VitaminDWiki Virus pages have RCT in the title

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Items found: 46
Title Modified
Viral infections reduced 40% by monthly 100,000 IU Vitamin D – RCT review Aug 2024 13 Aug, 2024
Long-COVID fatigue, anxiety, and cognition treated by 60,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – RCT July 2024 29 Jul, 2024
15.3 X fewer COVID deaths in those getting Vitamin D injections in ICU – RCT July 2024 22 Jul, 2024
Single 600,000 IU dose of nanoemulsion Vitamin D is safe and effective to fight COVID, even if delay until enter ICU – RCT May 2024 01 Jun, 2024
100% not need COVID hospitalization with fluvoxamine plus one other drug – Thailand RCT April 2024 16 Mar, 2024
COVID deaths cut in half by a single dose of 600,000 IU of Vitamin D - RCT Jan 2024 31 Jan, 2024
COVID fought by Vitamin D: OBSERVATIONS: YES, RCTs: NO - Dec 2023 15 Jan, 2024
COVID in hospital stopped by Vitamin D Receptor activators (curcumin, quercetin) – RCT June 2023 25 Jun, 2023
COVID 3X less likely if Xyilotol nasal spray 3X per day – RCT Dec 2022 24 Feb, 2023
COVID recovery 1.6X faster after 200,000 IU of Vitamin D RCT – Feb 2023 22 Feb, 2023
Long-COVID fatigue reduced by Vitamin C and l-Arginine in one month– RCT Nov 2022 24 Nov, 2022
Influenza infection 5X less likely if got vitamin D – small RCT Feb 2022 23 Oct, 2022
COVID in hospital fought by Vitamin D (25,000 IU daily for 4 days, then 25K weekly) - RCT – July 2022 02 Oct, 2022
Small Vitamin D doses for a short time never help (not improve vaccination in this case) – RCT Sept 2022 24 Sep, 2022
The challenges of a Vitamin D RCT – too many already taking it, etc. – Martineau Sept 2022 13 Sep, 2022
Risk of COVID not reduced by 3,200 IU of vitamin D during 6 months (no surprise) – RCT March 2022 09 Sep, 2022
Early COVID treatments rarely work 7 days after symptoms, this trial gave Vitamin D on 7th day – RCT May 2022 26 Jul, 2022
COVID children helped by Vitamin D, trial terminated: unethical to not give Vitamin D to all: – RCT July 2022 25 Jul, 2022
4X less likely to get COVID following 4,000 IU daily for a month – RCT April 2022 12 Jun, 2022
COVID hospital deaths reduced 2X by 8 days of UVB – pilot RCT May 2022 05 Jun, 2022
400,000 IU of vitamin D 3 days after COVID symptoms reduced 14 day mortality by 3X – Annweiler RCT May 2022 02 Jun, 2022
Loading dose of Vitamin D for patients hospitalized with COVID (140,000 IU) – RCT completed 2021 22 May, 2022
21 fewer days in hospital with ARDS (COVID) if 10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily after enter hospital – RCT April, 2022 18 Apr, 2022
Influenza vaccine antibodies not change with Vitamin D – 21 ng or 44 ng – RCT Feb 2019 22 Mar, 2022
Group achieving 30 ng (vs 26 ng) were 2X less likely to get COVID symptoms - RCT Jan 2022 31 Jan, 2022
Nutritional supplementation during COVID hospitalization helped - RCT - Jan 2022 30 Jan, 2022
Tested positive for COVID, taking probiotics stopped symptoms 5 days sooner - RCT Jan 2022 18 Jan, 2022
Nursing home vaccinated against Influenza, 800 IU of vitamin D daily cut infection rate in half – small RCT Oct 2021 04 Nov, 2021
COVID-19 appears reduced by Resveratrol plus 100K IU of vitamin D – Small RCT Sept 2021 27 Sep, 2021
COVID-19 defeated 3x faster by 420,000 IU Vitamin D nanoemulsion – RCT Nov 12, 2020 21 Sep, 2021
Vitamin D not help 10 days after COVID-19 symptoms - RCT March 2021 18 Sep, 2021
COVID-19 outpatients getting Quercetin nanoemulsion had excellent outcomes (Q increased Vitamin D in cells) – RCT – June 2021 30 Jul, 2021
5,000 U daily raised Vitamin D a bit and helped COVID-19 a bit – RCT June 2021 14 Jul, 2021
COVID-19 inflammation extinguished by 60,000 IU of vitamin D nanoemulsion daily for a week – RCT May 2021 22 May, 2021
COVID-19 ICU survival rate increased 7X by daily Omega-3 – RCT March 2021 18 Apr, 2021
Half the risk of Influenza -A in infants taking 1200 IU of vitamin D for 4 months – RCT Jan 2018 19 Mar, 2021
5X less likely to enter ICU with COVID-19 if get Calcifediol (semi-activated vitamin D) - RCT Feb 19, 2021 13 Feb, 2021
Severe COVID-19 not fought by vitamin D when given too late - RCT Nov 18, 2020 22 Nov, 2020
COVID-19 defeated by calcifediol form of Vitamin D in Spain - pilot RCT Aug 29, 2020 22 Nov, 2020
Swine flu not prevented by 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily (the upper limit at the time) – RCT 2014 30 Aug, 2020
Global Push for RCTs in COVID-19 - April 4, 2020 07 Apr, 2020
Vaccine antibody generation not change with Vitamin D – 21 ng or 44ng – RCT Feb 2019 08 Jan, 2020
Dengue virus prevented by a small amount of Vitamin D – RCT Nov 2019 26 Nov, 2019
Respiratory Virus risk reduced 35 percent by Vitamin D (14,000 IU weekly) – RCT Oct 2018 18 Oct, 2018
Influenza reduced by 1.7 with 1200 IU D3, also reduced related asthma by 6X – RCT May 2010 10 Jan, 2018
Influenza A: 5X reduction in first month (only) with 2,000 IU of vitamin D– RCT July 2014 14 Jul, 2014

Meta-analyses of Virus 44 studies

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VitaminDWiki – COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

As of March 31, 2024, the VitaminDWiki COVID page had:  trial results,   meta-analyses and reviews,   Mortality studies   see related:   Governments,   HealthProblems,   Hospitals,  Dark Skins,   All 26 COVID risk factors are associated with low Vit D,   Fight COVID-19 with 50K Vit D weekly   Vaccines   Take lots of Vitamin D at first signs of COVID   166 COVID Clinical Trials using Vitamin D (Aug 2023)   Prevent a COVID death: 9 dollars of Vitamin D or 900,000 dollars of vaccine - Aug 2023
5 most-recently changed Virus entries

VitaminDWiki – 50,000 IU twice a month fights all of the following

Diabetes + Heart Failure + Chronic Pain + Depression + Autism + Breast Cancer + Colon Cancer + Prostate Cancer + BPH (prostate) + Preeclampsia + Premature Birth + Falls + Cognitive Decline + Respiratory Tract Infection + Influenza + Tuberculosis + Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease + Lupus + Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome + Urinary Tract Infection + Poor Sleep + Growing Pain + Multiple Sclerosis + PMS + Schizophrenia + Endometriosis + Smoking    27 problems
   Note: Once a week also fights: COVID, Headaches, Colds, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Hives, Colitis etc.

VitaminDWiki – Respiratory infection, children and Vitamin D - many studies

VitaminDWiki – Viral respiratory infections reduced by both Vitamin D and Zinc – meta-analysis -Oct 2021

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