Interview and Upcoming Presentation with Dr. Richard Cheng, an Anti-aging and Integrative Cancer Therapy Physician
- According to Dr. Cheng, “If you don’t supplement with vitamin D, you’re deficient… period.
- Richard Cheng, MD, PhD, is a board-certified anti-aging and integrative cancer therapy physician with offices in the United States and Shanghai.
- "Dr. Cheng began integrating nutrition into his practice ~30 years ago, starting with vitamin C supplementation. Around 20 years ago, he started incorporating more supplements, especially vitamin D. He would often recommend 5,000 IU/day of vitamin D to his fellow doctors; however, many would respond to say 5,000 IU was too much, and that they were worried about taking that much or recommending that amount to their patients."
- "His protocol involves more than just vitamin D, although it’s one of the top 3 nutrients he ALWAYS recommends, along with a healthy low carb diet. Vitamin C and magnesium are the other two supplements that he always suggests"
- Dr. Cheng has been taking 30,000 IU per day himself
- Note: The founder of VitaminDWiki takes an average of 25,000 IU daily
- "Great news from Dr. Cheng – he has been able to help reverse or significantly improve many chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease (as shown by angiogram – working on a paper now). Vitamin D is a major part of this protocol. He has also helped to reverse several autoimmune diseases (including Hashimoto’s, psoriasis, vitiligo, SLE, ulcerative colitis, eczema); ..."
- "Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, therefore if it is taken as one big dose, much of it will be excreted. The body is able to absorb close to 1g of vitamin C every hour. To take it, you can either put it in water and drink it throughout the day or divide the larger dose into 3 smaller doses taken at different times of the day."
- VitaminDWiki Vitamin C category contains
55 pages
See also in VitaminDwiki
- High-Dose category has
61 items - High Dose Vitamin D for autoimmune diseases -blog June 13, 2021 Dr. Cheng
- Aging leads to a decrease of vitamin D getting to cells – Sept 2017
- Life-extension, improved healthspan: Diet, Exercise, Omega-3, Vitamin D - many studies
"If you don’t supplement with vitamin D, you’re deficient… period" - Dec 20231294 visitors, last modified 14 Dec, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)
- High-Dose category has
- VitaminDWiki Vitamin C category contains