
Vitamin D also TREATS

While vitamin D has been proven to PREVENT many diseases, it has only been proven to TREAT a few

TREATED successfully = "Controlled by" or "Helped by" or "Suppresses"
Hesitant to say that vitamin D can cure a disease. It is very difficult to reverse damage.


  • Diseases TREATED by vitamin D appear to be a subset of those which vitamin D can PREVENT.
  • PREVENTION appears to need > 30 ng and TREATMENT appears to need 40-60 ng of vitamin D
  • Appear to need about 4X as much IU of vitamin D to TREAT as to PREVENT a disease
  • Often need one or more of the vitamin D cofactors to TREAT a disease, especially Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K2
    • Perhaps because the cofactors increase the bio-availability of vitamin D
The following chart shows disease PREVENTION: grouped by degree of proof

Less Sun Less D Less Health
CLICK ON chart for more information - along with text extracted from the graphic which can be translated into other languages

See also VitaminDWiki

PATENTS (US/World) for vitamin D for disease TREATMENT include

  • Alopecia, Asthma, Breast Cancer, Cardiovascular, Chemotherapy, colitis, Crohn's, Diabetes , eczema, endometriosis
  • Fall Prevention, faster healing, hypertension, immune system, Kidney disease, liver disease, lupus
  • metabolic syndrome, MS, Osteoporosis, Ovarian Cancer, periodontitis, Prostate Diseases, SAD, TB

Clinical Trials: Vitamin D INTERVENTIONS 2398 as of Aug 2020