
Vitamin D can reduce COVID-19 risk in quarantine, etc.

Title of email being sent to Public Health Services around the world

A simple way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection as well as false alarms to those in quarantine

A tip for Public Health Service groups dealing with the thousands of people quarantined due to Coronavirus 
Suggest that each quarantined person fortify their immune system with Vitamin D (100,000 IU)

Brief summary of relevant Vitamin D association and treatment studies

Suggest that each quarantined person take 100,000 IU of vitamin D
They can buy a bottle of 5,000 or 2,000 IU capsules at local stores or buy tiny 50,000 IU capsules at Amazon (~20 suppliers) example: https://is.gd/d50000
Taking the entire dose with a single supper, or take as 50,000 IU doses at two 2 suppers.
Those who are unable to swallow pills or have poor guts can take Vitamin D emulsions (Amazon ~6 suppliers) example: https://is.gd/MicroD3
Those who are obese will need a larger dose: 300,000 IU

Possible TWEET:
Fortify your immune system against Coronavirus with Vitamin D.Take 100,000 IU within 2 days. Buy it locally or Amazon as 50,000 IU capsules

Additional Information
Coronavirus and Vitamin D
Overview Colds and flu and Vitamin D
Vitamin D reduces the target of all Coronaviruses
Vitamin D improves a child’s immune system – can now be claimed in Europe – Sept 2016

Henry Lahore 360-301-9413
I am the founder of VitaminDWiki (which now has 10,000+ Vitamin D studies)
   I am co-authoring a medical publication on Coronavirus and Vitamin D

100,000 IU is not too much - 200,000 IU would reduce the risk even further
I have been taking 100,000 IU every 4 days
Dr. Cannell, a Vitamin D researcher, took 100,000 IU daily for 6 months
Over 2,000 people have completely treated their Multiple Sclerosis with 100,000 IU of Vitamin D daily
Over 1 million people have taken mega-doses (> 200,000 IU) during the past 40 years with zero problems
Monthly 120,000 IU of vitamin D was great while pregnant


Vitamin D can reduce (but not eliminate) risk in other situations as well

SituationInitial dosingOngoing dosing
A person with mild symptoms
  (in hospital quarantine location, home)
400,000 IU 50,000 IU weekly
Hospital employees in contact with Coronavirus400,000 IU 50,000 IU bi-weekly
Other people in quarantined residence100,000 IU 0
Must travel to an outbreak area100,000 IU50,000 IU bi-weekly
Long-term concern 0 50,000 IU bi-weekly

Note: 3X larger doses if obese, 1/2 doses for child

Vitamin D can reduce COVID-19 risk in quarantine, etc.        
9223 visitors, last modified 27 Feb, 2020,
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