Nutraceuticals in Periodontal Health: A Systematic Review on the Role of Vitamins in Periodontal Health Maintenance.
Molecules. 2018 May 20;23(5). pii: E1226. doi: 10.3390/molecules23051226.
Varela-López A1, Navarro-Hortal MD2, Giampieri F3, Bullón P4, Battino M5, Quiles JL6.
This study examined in detail
- Vitamin D - which was found to have the most "relevant role"
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B complex
- Vitamin E
The study did not consider Magnesium, Silcon, and Boron
See also VitaminDWiki
- Periodontitis associated with low Vitamin D if dark-skinned – Dec 2018
- Poor Periodontal associated with low vitamin D in 65 percent of cross-sectional studies – review March 2018
- Teeth getting worse due to lower level of vitamin D during the past 5,000 years
- Periodontal disease 1.5 times more likely if low vitamin D – Sept 2016
- Dental caries cut in half by vitamin D, review of 24 old clinical trials – Nov 2012
- Vitamin Deficiency Underlies Tooth Decay – 2009 and 1931
- Dental category listing has
119 items along with related searches  Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Periodontal disease, a relevant public health problem worldwide, is generally considered a common pathology of elderly people. In this respect, there is agreement about that nutritional status may be a modifying factor in the progression and healing of the periodontal tissues. Vitamins have been recommended as nutraceuticals for prevention and treatment of some pathological conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity or cancer. Thus, a systematic approach to determining how the different vitamin type could ameliorate periodontal risks or improve periodontal health is necessary to further the understanding of the potential benefits and risks of vitamins supplementation use. For this, a systematic review of English-written literature in PubMed until February 2018, which included both human and animal research on the relationship of each vitamin with periodontal disease, was conducted. Among all the analyzed vitamins those with antioxidant capacity and effects on immune system seem to be useful for prevention or improvement of periodontal disease, as well as those implicated in bone metabolism. In the first case, there are quite information in favor of various vitamins, mainly vitamin C, that is the most studied. In the second case, vitamin D seems to have the most relevant role.PMID: 29783781 DOI: 10.3390/molecules23051226
Vitamin D may provide the most peridontal benefits of all nutraceuticals – May 20187393 visitors, last modified 19 Dec, 2018, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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