
Vitamin D prescriptions in US Military increased 5X in 5 years – July 2015

Mil Med. 2015 Jul;180(7):748-753.
Morioka TY1, Bolin JT1, Attipoe S1, Jones DR1, Stephens MB1, Deuster PA1.
1Uniformed Services University, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814.


  • Suspect it has been more than 5X in the most recent 5 years
  • This appears to be number of prescriptions, not the amount of IU prescribed
  • Suspect that even more vitamin D was consumed which was not prescribed.

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web

Thus huge potential economic benefits to military for increasing Vitamin D include:
DECREASED brain trauma, stress fractures, suicide. breast cancer, MS, time in ICU, etc.
DECREASED COST Of health care for both active military and veterans
   By the way: Vitamin C was the focus of perhaps the first Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) in 1758
   It took the English govt over 100 years to give Vitamin C to their sailors
    to increase "force readiness" to fight the French

Although prior studies have examined the prevalence of dietary supplement use among various populations, data on single vitamins prescribed by health care providers are limited.

This study examined trends in single-vitamin supplement (A, C, D, E, K) prescriptions by providers from military treatment facilities from 2007 to 2011.

We examined prescription data from the Department of Defense Pharmacy Data Transaction Service to determine trends in the aforementioned single-vitamin supplement prescriptions. Prescription rates per 1,000 active duty personnel were estimated using population data retrieved from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (i.e., [number of prescriptions/population size] × 1,000).

Across the 5-year period, the number of vitamin D prescriptions per 1,000 active duty personnel increased 454%. In contrast, the number of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K prescriptions per 1,000 active duty personnel decreased by 32%, 53%, and 29% respectively. Vitamin C prescriptions remained relatively constant. Across all age groups, total single-vitamin supplement prescriptions increased by 180%.

Together, prescriptions examined in this study increased steadily from 2007 to 2011, primarily because of the increase in vitamin D prescriptions. The exhibited trend reflects the current general-population pattern of dietary supplement use, with large increases in vitamin D and declines in vitamin E.

Reprint & Copyright © 2015 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.

PMID: 26126244

Publisher wants $20 for the PDF
I thought that results of Govt funded studies were to be available FREE to the public

See also VitaminDWiki

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