
Vitamin D test result can vary by 40 ng (10 reasons) – July 2024

Vitamin D test results vary by 3 to 13 ng depending blood sample tube, stopper – July 2024

Effect of Blood Collection Tubes on Vitamin D Immunoassay Results
Ann Lab Med letter to the editor https://doi.org/10.3343/alm.2024.0234
Hyojin Chae©, M.D., Ph.D.1, Sangyoon Lee©, M.T1, Ae-Ran Choi , M.T.1, Sung-Eun Cho , M.D., Ph.D.2, and Eun-Jee Oh ), M.D., Ph.D.1
1Department of Laboratory Medicine, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea; 2Department of Endocrine Substance Analysis Center (ESAC), Green Cross Laboratories (GC Labs), Yongin, Korea


Up to 13 ng different test results: either tubes or testers

Dear Editor,
Blood collection tubes are generally considered inert specimen carriers but can potentially induce exogenous interference. Blood collection tubes consist of rubber stoppers, tube-wall ma­terials, separator gels, clot activators or anticoagulants, and sur­factants, all of which can interfere with analytical assays [1]. We observed apparent inconsistency in Atellica IM Vitamin D Total assay results (Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany) across different tubes; therefore, we examined the effect of blood collection tubes on 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) as part of an end-user verification, with approval from the institutional review board (IRB) of Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (IRB No. KC23DSSF0058).

The following four tubes were examined for potential assay in­terference:

  • Greiner Bio-One Vacuette 8-mL serum-separator tube (SST) (Greiner Vacuette; Cat. #455071KR, lot #A2309376 *Greiner Bio-One, Kremsmunster, Austria), Becton Dickinson (BD)
  • Vacutainer 8.5-mL SST (BD Vacutainer; Cat. #367528, lot #2237485; BD, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA),
  • AB Medical V-Tube 8-mL tube with clot activator and gel (V-tube; Cat. #301802, lot #8337002; AB Medical, Seoul, Korea), and
  • AB Medical VQ-Tube 8-mL with clot activator with thrombin and gel (VQ-tube; Cat. #B0180B, lot #8B41002; AB Medical).

Serum samples from four apparently healthy volunteers (two men and two women; age range, 26-49 yrs) were collected in each of the abovemen- tioned tubes and analyzed for 25(OH)D using the Atellica IM Vi­tamin D Total assay. Samples collected in Greiner Vacuette tubes exhibited higher values (mean bias, 9.95 ng/mL; range, 4.56-12.34 ng/mL) than those collected in other tubes (Table 1, Fig. 1). This increase would lead to incorrect classification of all four individuals as not deficient in vitamin D, despite having a 25(OH)D level <20 ng/mL (the recommended cutoff value for vitamin D deficiency) [2]. When the samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with PerkinElmer (Wallac Oy, Turku, Finland) kits, no tube-in­duced bias (< 5%) was noted. This LC-MS/MS method was certi­fied by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vitamin D Standardization and Certification Program, as previously docu­mented [3].

The tube-induced bias was further examined using the Roche Elecsys Vitamin D Total III (Roche Diagnostics International Ltd,. Rotkreuz, Switzerland) and Atellica IM Vitamin D Total assays. Additionally, serum samples of three other apparently healthy in­dividuals were collected in both Greiner Vacuette and VQ tubes for analysis. Samples collected in Greiner Vacuette tubes exhib­ited higher 25(OH)D values (mean bias, 6.22 ng/mL) than those collected in VQ tubes when analyzed with the Siemens Atellica IM system. Conversely, no significant bias was observed be­tween the two tubes with the Roche Elecsys Vitamin D Total III assay.

To our knowledge, this is the first report of increased 25(OH)D levels resulting from blood collection in Greiner Vacuette tubes in conjunction with the Atellica IM Vitamin D Total assay. Al­though the reasons for this observation are not fully understood, tube surfactants, which tend to vary among manufacturers, may affect the vitamin D assay. Notably, tube surfactants are em­ployed to minimize adsorption to the tube wall; however, at suffi­ciently high concentrations, they may lead to the desorption of antibodies from the solid phase, among other nonspecific ef­fects [4]. The Atellica IM Vitamin D Total assay is a competitive immunoassay that uses anti-fluorescein-labeled mouse mono­clonal antibodies covalently bound to paramagnetic particles, a fluorescein-labeled vitamin D analog, and an acridinium ester­labeled anti-25(OH)D mouse monoclonal antibody. Hence, the potential of the surfactant to induce the desorption of antibod­ies from the solid phase may have lowered the chemilumines­cent signal and falsely increased 25(OH)D levels. Notably, a sim­ilar bias has been reported for Siemens ADVIA Centaur XP for 25(OH)D when using Vacuette tubes containing a clot activator with or without gel compared to Vacuette tubes with no additives [5, 6]. Because the reagent formulations used in the Atellica IM Analyzer and the ADVIA Centaur system are similar, their inter­ference mechanism may be the same.
Our study is limited by its small sample size. Nevertheless, ex­amining various tubes with specimens obtained from healthy in­dividuals is not readily accessible in routine practice, and our findings clearly show the impact of additives in blood collection tubes on vitamin D immunoassay results. Detecting and pre­venting tube additive-induced interference poses a unique chal­lenge for clinical laboratories. Timely recognition is difficult be­cause routine QC typically does not include the preanalytical phase, including sample collection and processing in blood col­lection tubes, in which contact with the tube additives occurs [7]. Therefore, in addition to performing a thorough comparative study, clinical laboratories should be vigilant of any possible changes in assay performance when using new lots and/or dif­ferent tubes. Furthermore, manufacturers must validate the safety and efficacy of their blood collection tubes through ana­lytical and clinical evaluations, preferably under conditions of maximal interference across all analytical platforms/assays.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

  1. Bowen RAR, Hortin GL, Csako G, Otaez OH, Remaley AT. Impact of blood collection devices on clinical chemistry assays. Clin Biochem 2010;43: 4-25.
  2. Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Gordon CM, Hanley DA, He­aney RP, et al. Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D defi­ciency: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:1911-30.
  3. Seo JD, Lee JH, Cho SE, Song J, Lee YW, Yun YM. Evaluation of test stan­dardization of 25-OH vitamin D immunoassays. Lab Med Online 2024; 14:8-16.
  4. Bowen RAR, Chan Y, Ruddel ME, Hortin GL, Csako G, Demosky SJ Jr., et al. Immunoassay interference by a commonly used blood collection tube additive, the organosilicone surfactant silwet L-720. Clin Chem 2005;51:1874-82.
  5. Yu S, Cheng X, Fang H, Zhang R, Han J, Qin X, et al. 25OHD analogues and vacuum blood collection tubes dramatically affect the accuracy of automated immunoassays. Sci Rep 2015;5:14636.
  6. Yu S, Zhou W, Cheng X, Fang H, Zhang R, Cheng Q, et al. Blood collec­tion tubes and storage temperature should be evaluated when using the Siemens ADVIA Centaur XP for measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin D. PLoS One 2016;11:e0166327.
  7. Kricka LJ, Park JY, Senior MB, Fontanilla R. Processing controls in blood collection tubes reveals interference. Clin Chem 2005;51:2422-3.

Videos of some of the blood collection tubes, etc,

VitaminDWiki – Tests for Vitamin D contains:

VitaminDWiki – Huge variation in Vitamin D test results between 4 testers for 8 people – 2013

Sometimes there can be a 40 nanogram difference between testers for the same blood sample
Worst case differences for 8 Finns

VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D measurements vary with the same sample of blood – March 2014 has a chart

Is the true value 48 nmol -1090 tests @ /is.gd/vitd1090

VitaminDWiki – Big differences (~10 ng) in vitamin D test results, even when using the same type of tester – Aug 2015

Huge differences in % deficient (< 30ng) depending on the tester used

Note: Results vary by: tester, chemicals used, employees, tubes, time of day, blood from arm vs finger, time since last supplement/sun, if D2 was in the blood, epimers in infant blood, etc.

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21694 Blood Collection Tubes_CompressPdf.pdf admin 05 Sep, 2024 76.26 Kb 11
21693 Blood Collection Tubes_CompressPdf.pdf admin 05 Sep, 2024 76.26 Kb 55
21452 Different testers with different tubes.webp admin 23 Jul, 2024 19.45 Kb 77
21451 Tubes vs results.webp admin 23 Jul, 2024 13.53 Kb 92
21450 Blood Collection Tubes_CompressPdf.pdf admin 23 Jul, 2024 86.17 Kb 58