
VitaminDWiki: the first 10 years, the next 10 years – Jan 2020

The first 10 years:

VitaminDWiki was started Dec 2009
As of Jan 2020, it has 11,000 page and 13,000 files, has taken 15,000 hours to create and has been seen 6 million times

Currently, it appears likely that:

My goal for the next 10 years is to significantly improve world health

The following appears to be the best path toward that goal:
Show employers how much money they will save by giving free Vitamin D to their employees and families
   I anticipate that success with a few companies can be marketed to other companies and organizations

I have given up on trying to show the proof to doctors and medical organizations
    Example of data being ignored: Colorectal cancer is associated with Vitamin D (17 meta-analyses so far) – July 2018
All organizations change slowly, and they change especially slowly if it causes them to lose income
   Example, JAMA took 15 years to agree with the US Surgeon General report that smoking caused cancer

I am decreasing my reading and posting of Vitamin D and related studies
I will virtually eliminate posting studies on rare diseases and studies that duplicate previous studies
I will greatly decrease my experiments with inhaled Vitamin D (it also does not support the main goal)
   These savings will increase time for pursuing my main goal by ~50 more hours per month

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday January 22, 2020 04:04:55 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 47)