Great response to VitaminDWiki booth at Workshop
I had great discussions with a dozen new people as well as another ten I previously knew
I will be adding to this page in early June 2019
First VitaminDWiki booth
VitaminDWiki: Your Go-To Vitamin D Website - 2019
Abstract which was submitted to Vitamin D Workshop, but not accepted for presentation - paid $1250 for a booth instead
See also VitaminDWiki
- Conference category listing has
52 items along with related searches - Vitamin D Workshop in New York – May 2019 includes my photos of some of the posters presented
25 charts shown at the booth - some are text which are updated and translatable
 Download all 25 original charts
Function will be available for all categories on VitaminDWiki in by Aug 2019
4,000 IU of Vitamin D is OK - 19 organizations agree - 2018
Institute of Medicine
Endocrine Society, Vitamin D Council
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Academy of Dev. Medicine and Dentistry
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (UK)
European Food Safety Authority
Central Europe consensus
Italian Endocrinologists, Italian Consensus
Nutrition - French Society of Paediatrics
European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology ....
European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteo...
The Nordic Council of Ministers
Health Council of the Netherlands
48 scientists also endorse 40-60 ng
Details at VitaminDWiki page
Vitamin D Myths - SUN
- 10 minutes is enough
- Nope - only if 12 conditions are true: i.e. under 40, summer, white skin, lying down, little clothing
- Same amount of vitamin D generated in each portion of skin
- Nope - for example, 8X more Vitamin D generated by hands and face
- No Vitamin D from the winter sun
- Should limit time in the sun to reduce cancer
- Nope - low exposure will INCREASE total cancer by 50X
- Same IU of Vitamin D to everyone from the sun
- Nope - 4X difference between individuals,
- without considering additional differences due to skin color, age, obesity, etc.
- Nope - 4X difference between individuals,
- Sunscreen decreases Skin Cancer
- Nope - and sunscreen often INCREASES Skin cancer by being in sun too long
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Vitamin D Myths - DOSE
- 600 IU is enough
- Nope - US govt admitted the mistake, 19 organizations and Dr. Holick agree: 4,000 IU is recommended
- Everyone should get the same dose
- Nope - proper dose varies with weight/obesity, skin color genes, disease, etc
- 2 months restores levels, on-going dose is not needed
- Nope - restoration often needs 4-6 months (without a loading dose),
- and needs to be continued for life
- Daily dosing is best
- Can get enough Vitamin D from milk
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Vitamin D Myths - OTHER
- Oil-based Vitamin D is OK
- Nope - Oil-based D is not OK if no oil at the meal or no gallbladder
- Only need Vitamin D
- Nope - Cofactors are needed if take >4,000 IU (Magnesium, Vit K, Omega-3, etc)
- Can get enough Vitamin D from food
- Nope: No longer does meat, lard have much Vitamin D as it used to
- Nope: No longer do people eat much fatty or wild caught fish
- Nope: No longer do people often eat organ meats
- Nope: No longer does food have enough Magnesium to utilize Vitamin D
- Very little Vitamin D in meat and eggs
- Nope: Studies rarely consider the semi-activated form Vitamin D
- underestimated the amount available from meat and eggs by a factor of 6 to 9
- the total Vitamin D (un-activated and semi-activated) is still ~5X less than it had been
- >10,000 IU can be toxic
- Blood test: Indicates how much Vitamin D is getting to tissue
- Nope - Vit D can be limited by one or more of 5 genes downstream from Vit D test,
- especially the Vitamin D Receptor gene
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VitaminDWiki had a booth at Vitamin D Workshop May 201916518 visitors, last modified 09 Jan, 2022, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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