
Why vitamin D is not a problem for some youth

Youthful skin produces 4X as much vitamin D per minute in the sun as elderly skin

Youth rarely have diseases that actually consume vitamin D, such as:

MS, diabetes, obesity, colon cancer, bariatric surgery, kidney failure, liver failure, ...

CLICK HERE for vitamin D deficiency information

Youth tend to be outdoors more - example: summer vacation from school

Exceptions - probably need vitamin D if:

  • sensitive skin,
  • wearing burka
  • indoors a lot due to a lot of video games or computer
  • indoors due to the availablity of air conditioning

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Exceptions include: dark skin, pregnancy or fertility, Far from equator, and surgery or trauma

See also VitaminDWiki

Why vitamin D is not a problem for some youth        
2467 visitors, last modified 01 Mar, 2012,
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