When will it become a crime to fail to recommend or provide vitamin D?
Will the criminals be pet owners, parents, doctors, or hospitals?
Doctors are slow to change for many reasons
Additional reasons to not recommend Vitamin D includes patents and Vitamin D2
However, benefits of vitamin D have been proven
Will the criminals be pet owners, parents, doctors, or hospitals?
- Owners of pet monkey charged with cruelty by nor providing vitamin D Dec 2011
Quote: . . criminal malpractice not to recommend vitamin D
Quote: . . it is medical malpractice for obstetricians not to know what the Vitamin D level of their patients is - Mother and father on trial for infant death – set free – death was due to rickets – Dec 2011
- Perhaps in a region far from the Equator – such as Alaska Or Scotland
- Many people stay too long in hospitals (and sometimes dies) due to lack of vitamin D
- Pregnancy ends in C-sections, low birth weight, fetal death, etc due to low vitamin D
Infants with low vitamin D have vastly increased asthma, diabetes, etc. - Vets give about 3X vitamin D than the US govt recommends
Vets are rewarded when the patient is healthy, vs doctors are rewarded when the patient is sick
Doctors are slow to change for many reasons
- “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary is dependent upon his not understanding it” Upton Sinclair
- Gynocologists may have the most to lose when patients have enough vitamin D
- Cancer doctors are a close second
- Doctors are wary of yet another vitamin which claims too much (A, B, C, E . . . )
- Doctors cannot change for vitamin D tests in many countries such as Canada and insurance plans
- Medical professionals are often not aware of groups which are at high-risk of being vitamin D deficient, nor the causes
- Doctors who do not follow "accepted practice" (and more vitamin D is not yet accepted practice) open themselves up to mal-practice law suits.
Additional reasons to not recommend Vitamin D
- Experts have been unable to agree on vitamin D levels: 30 ng, 50 ng, or what
While experts have been unable to agree, the US govt lowered the vitamin D level to 20 ng - Many health applications of vitamin D have been patented
Examples: Reduce weight, reduce chemotherapy needed, reduce falls, reduce scars, improve fertility,
treat heart disease, treat endometriosis, treat liver disease, treat type 1 diabetes, etc. etc. - Often doctors can only prescribe vitamin D2
D2 has been proven many times to actually decrease blood levels and/or make the health condition worse - Healthcare systems are typically rewarded for providing treatment, not prevention
However, a huge number of vitamin D trials and meta-analysis of trials have proven the great benefits of vitamin D
- All Meta-analysis items in VitaminDWiki 38 Meta-analysis as of Jan 2012
Note: Meta-analysis are analysis of the results of 10 to 30 Random Controlled Trials
As of Dec 2011 there were >700 Vitamin D intervention clinical trials - more than any other medical intervention. - Overview Evidence for vitamin D