Excellent new book about the importance of vitamin D for bone health.
The Complete Book of Bone Health, by Diane L Schneider, MD Sept 2011, $15
It is the best book on bones that I have ever read AND it has a lot of information about vitamin D and bones as well.
She really knows all aspects of the science of bones, AND is able to communicate the information to the average reader.
A rare combination.
Some additional information on bones at VitaminDWiki
- All items in category Bone Health 97 items as of Jan 2012
- Overview Osteoporosis and vitamin D
- Overview Bone fractures and vitamin D
- Overview Falling, Fractures and Vitamin D
- Vitamin D is the first of three ways to make unbreakable bones – Oct 2011
- co-factors such as Magnesium, Vitamin K2, and Boron essential for Bone development
- Vitamin D history back to Egyptians and fortification - Aug 2011 sun has been known to build strong bones for a LONG time
- Shin splints decrease with vitamin D
- Noticed bones heal faster when more than 60 ng of vitamin D
- Should stock-up on vitamin D if having surgery due to fragile bones – Jan 2011
- Osteoporosis medication 7X better when more than 33 ng of vitamin D – June 2011
- Is it ethical to not give vitamin D in osteoporosis trials? – NEJM Sept 2010
- Review of vitamin D and bone health studies – with tables Nov 2010
- 25 reasons for vitamin D deficiency