
Vitamin D Blog

Vitamin D video now 10 dollars (US)

Wednesday February 1, 2012

The producer is Thomas Braun, who retired as top pharmacist at Walgreens Pharmacy

He is essentially giving away many copies of his DVD (as long as they last) at Amazon. Only 10 cents if you have Amazon Prime.
UPDATE March 1, 2012 Price raised from 10 cents to $10 - still worth it
Amazon (US) can probably ship internationally.

Overview of DVD on Vitamin D by the author, Thomas Braun

Hello Sunshine video on Vitamin D focuses on the history of why 3 out of 4 Americans are deficient on Vitamin D and also explores with presentations from Dr. Garland and Dr. Heaney who have devoted their medical career in researching the Vitamin D deficiency issue and what has to be done to reverse this medical travesty. Scientists now know that over 2700 genes require Vitamin D for normal biological function. Vitamin D deficiencies help contribute to the expression of different disease states and the impact on cancer and other major disease states is addressed.

Two minutes of the video on YouTube

He believes that Big Pharma, the FDA and Obamacare has lost their compass.
He has made a web page showing how you can have a healthy long life thru nutrients and nutrition (N2) and exercise (E). www.n2e4u.com

He may, in the future, upload the video to the web for easy/free access by anyone around the world.

The DVD was made in 2010, so is a little out of date - I did not notice anything he said which is wrong.
Watched the 1 hour video Feb 2012
Nice introduction/overview of many of the vitamin D concerns
Probably covers more of the vitamin D topics than any other video I have seen
Includes videos of some of the vitamin D scientists
Notes on topics covered:
Cancer vs latitude
Baggerly video
Garland video
We are now longer out in the sun
Sun screen
Spina Bifada analogy to vitamin D 1970 ==> 1996 FDA but only 1/4 as much as was needed.
still have 1500 per year with spina bifida (this was news to Henry)
Heaney video
Colon cancer
Prostate Cancer
Lung Cancer
Smoking reduces vitamin D
Vitamin D needed to activate genes – genes needed due to stress, etc
Have gone too far with the pendulum to avoid the sun – blocked all of the vitamin D from the sun
Only thing listed in Physicians Desk Reference is Vitamin D2
Doctors had been taught that > 1,000 IU vitamin D was toxic (as he had been)
40-60 ng is the level he feels is correct

A few images from the video which I found interesting

Spina Bifida and Folic.jpg

Vitamin D turns on genes.jpg

(Braun noted a tiny error: Hormones don't come from outside the body)

Henry Lahore

See also VitaminDWiki