
Food sources for D

Food, mushrooms, fish, milk, see also Forms of D and D3 vs D2
Multiple select
  T Name Size Created / Uploaded Hits
goat cow and human milk - April 2011.PDF
nowiki page
422.97 KB 12 May, 2011 3329
Japanese get vitamin D from fish - 2002.pdf
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1602
24.47 KB 04 May, 2011 1192
Vegans had 38 percent less vitamin D in the winter - 2010.pdf
no wiki page
133.51 KB 01 Apr, 2011 1411
Dairy and co-factors important for Bone Health - Heany 2009.PDF
no wiki page
73.24 KB 01 Apr, 2011 1453
Food fortification especially baking in Canada - Dec 2009
519.79 KB 06 Sep, 2010 1880
Food does not provide for micronutrients such as vitamin D - 2006
mentioned in wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=800
47.00 KB 27 Aug, 2010 1883
Diets lack micronutrients such as vitamin D - June 2010
See also wiki: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=800
585.97 KB 27 Aug, 2010 1529
Vitamin D fortification of food in Europe - 2004
from website http://www.optiford.org
47.90 KB 16 Aug, 2010 1645
Excessive vitamin D in milk - 1992
see also 1995
761.60 KB 16 Aug, 2010 1342
Excessive vitamin D in milk - 1995
mistake at one dairy
1.19 MB 16 Aug, 2010 1259
Food fortification does raise vitamin D levels a little - 2008
159.37 KB 25 Jun, 2010 1342
Fortification for foods with vitamin D in US and Canada 2004
Whiting (see more by same author) cereals, milk, and milk products
156.32 KB 10 May, 2010 1542
Assessing vitamin D contents in foods and supplements: challenges and needs
Holden 2008
81.44 KB 01 Apr, 2010 1023
Whiting sources subset
full available at Grassroots 2009
727.28 KB 21 Mar, 2010 1341
Mushrooms and vitamin D
Easy Immune Health downloaded Feb 2010
3.91 KB 01 Mar, 2010 472
Mushrooms - Monterey
supplier of sun ripened mushrooms 2008
3.67 KB 01 Mar, 2010 813
Mushrooms can be supercharged with vitamin D
March 2010 H Lahore - this content is also on a wiki page
4.16 KB 01 Mar, 2010 636
bioavailability of vitamin D2 in orange juice
151.75 KB 19 Feb, 2010 1337
Salmon liver oil 2X vit D as cod liver oil
known back in 1932
4.16 KB 19 Feb, 2010 647
Vit D 5000 IU in bread 2009 for senior homes
ref only - much easier way to get vitamin D into elderly diet than taking an additional pill
2.09 KB 18 Feb, 2010 442
Vit D3 sources from fish
from wikipedia Feb 2010
2.66 KB 18 Feb, 2010 484
Mushroom and pulsed UV Xenon
probably 2009
1.14 MB 14 Feb, 2010 1253
Challenges of analyzing vit D in foods etc
91.52 KB 13 Feb, 2010 918
1933 proposal to add vitamin D to milk
almost 80 years ago. Interesting - just enough to stop Rickets
358.43 KB 13 Feb, 2010 514
Mushrooms Vitamin D2 Enrichment with pulsed UV
184.80 KB 13 Feb, 2010 1149
Mushroom Vitamin D2 in field 1 page
189.75 KB 13 Feb, 2010 1463
Bioavailability of Vit D in cheese
586.91 KB 29 Jan, 2010 1034
Cannot get enough vit D from foods
193.15 KB 29 Jan, 2010 816
Foods USDA database
Holden 2008
182.54 KB 29 Jan, 2010 1195