Created / Uploaded
2060 |
Weight loss associations Vitamin D, Magnesium, Iodine, Calcium.rtf surfing notes Feb 2012 by Henry Lahore |
50.98 KB |
21 Feb, 2012 |
4611 |
2028 |
US Obesity Map 2007.gif
42.01 KB |
28 Dec, 2011 |
2872 |
1999 |
The-economic-impact-of-obesity-in-the-United-States - 2010.pdf see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=2111 |
182.60 KB |
22 Oct, 2011 |
2188 |
1986 |
Global metabolic risks, BMI, etc. - slides 2011.pdf no wikipage |
1.72 MB |
27 Sep, 2011 |
3633 |
1936 |
Vitamin D Cancer - Obesity - Lagunova May 2011.pdf Presented at UK conference : http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1659
Audio and video also available
3.22 MB |
07 Aug, 2011 |
2246 |
1621 |
Canaries in the coal mine - increase in mammal weight - Nov 2010 8 spcies of animals all increase in weight in recent decades - perhaps adenovirus-36 |
357.45 KB |
13 Dec, 2010 |
3058 |
1586 |
First for Women - Nov 2010.pdf
4.33 MB |
22 Nov, 2010 |
2966 |
1529 |
How Calcium might help reduce obesity – June 2010 see wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=991 |
600.34 KB |
28 Sep, 2010 |
2510 |
1447 |
BMI decreased by 0.4% over 4 years with vitamin D and Calcium - July 2010
263.00 KB |
31 Aug, 2010 |
2020 |
1393 |
Obesity in children of American Indians - 1999 see also 2007 167 page study |
93.67 KB |
16 Aug, 2010 |
2219 |
1392 |
Obesity increasing in American Indians for past 30 years - 2007 167 pages, lots of possible reasons, vitamin D not mentioned |
3.35 MB |
16 Aug, 2010 |
6971 |
1343 |
Body fat and vitamin D for black and white women - 2005
1.09 MB |
08 Aug, 2010 |
2804 |
1341 |
Obese have decreased bioavalability of vitamin D - 2000
117.98 KB |
07 Aug, 2010 |
5354 |
1125 |
Low 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in Adolescents: Race, Season, Adiposity,... - Feb 2010 11 authors including Holick 10 pages |
662.87 KB |
31 May, 2010 |
2380 |
804 |
Obesity and vitamin D - 2004
108.14 KB |
21 Mar, 2010 |
2573 |
803 |
Body fat exercise and vitamin D 2007 3 page |
48.53 KB |
21 Mar, 2010 |
1499 |
802 |
Obesity and vitamin D clipped from westonaprice 2000 |
25.77 KB |
21 Mar, 2010 |
1045 |
792 |
Vit D did not help weight loss - response to letter to editor about placebo
63.76 KB |
21 Mar, 2010 |
2393 |
671 |
Calcium plus vitamin D may help prevent weight gain May 2007 |
4.71 KB |
07 Mar, 2010 |
416 |
670 |
RCT D3 insulin obese 2008 |
358.71 KB |
07 Mar, 2010 |
507 |
663 |
Vit D and Weight Loss web clippings Jan 2010 |
8.80 KB |
28 Feb, 2010 |
516 |
661 |
Vit council newsletter on obesity 2004 |
25.65 KB |
28 Feb, 2010 |
439 |
660 |
Does obesity cause vit D def or the other way around or unrelated editorial 2009 |
49.33 KB |
28 Feb, 2010 |
690 |
659 |
Vit D and BMI 2009 |
485.19 KB |
28 Feb, 2010 |
424 |
537 |
5700 IU vitamin D did NOT help lose weight -2008 500mg Calcium + 40,000 IU/week = 5700 IU/day |
283.52 KB |
17 Feb, 2010 |
2058 |