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  1. Colon Cancer nested control
  2. Can higher vitamin D levels reduce risk of colon cancer
  3. Vit D and Calcium in prevention of prostate and colon cancer
  4. Vit D needed after colon chemo
  5. Colon cancer vs latitude in Norway
  6. New insights on Ca Dairy and colon cancer
  7. 5 headings for same article on colon cancer and vit d
  8. Get insurance for both house flood and colon cancer
  9. Table 9 Colon Cancer
  10. Epidemiology of vitamin D and colorectal cancer: Casual or causal link?
  11. Many cancers increase in Japan during past 50 years
  12. Chart summarizing clinical trials of colon cancer and vitamin D 2009
  13. Proof that vitamin D is needed: BISCHOFF April-2010
  14. After colon cancer surgery extremely vitamin D deficient - July 2010
  15. Colon cancer surgery survival much better if have even 15 to 30 ng vitamin D - July 2010
  16. Better chance to survive colon cancer surgery if have more vitamin D.PDF
  17. How vitamin D reduces colon cancer - July 2010
  18. Colon cancer and vitamin D - BMJ unknown date
  19. IBD and Colrectal cancer - Jan 2011.pdf
  20. Vitamin D prevents colon Cancer - Kallay May 2011.pdf
  21. Cancer - Colon
  22. 10 percent of colon cancer linked to Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis April 2012
  23. 13 Cancers are helped by Vitamin D – Biobank July 2023
  24. 2 X better survival of digestive cancer if 2,000 IU of Vitamin D plus good VDBP gene – RCT Feb 2020
  25. 2.5 X reduced risk of cancer in 70 year-olds by a small amount of Vitamin D, Omega-3 and exercise – RCT April 2022
  26. 3,200 IU of Vitamin D for 3 weeks before colon cancer surgery helped a bit (higher or loading dose would be much better) – March 2023
  27. 45 percent fewer deaths from digestive cancers for 10 ng increase in vitamin D – 2006
  28. 800 IU of vitamin D not enough to treat colon cancer – June 2011
  29. 8000 IU supplementation to people with various cancers – Nov 2010
  30. Active vitamin D associated with Metabolic Syndrome and LDL in colon cancer patients– March 2015
  31. Advanced Colon Cancer risk is doubled or halved with 1000 IU of Vitamin D, depends on Vitamin D Receptors – RCT May 2017
  32. Advanced Colorectal Cancer survival is increased somewhat with 4,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT April 2019
  33. After 30 years it still appears that vitamin D deals with colorectal cancer – Oct 2012
  34. After Colorectal Cancer Surgery the immune system was maintained by Vitamin D (8,000 IU daily) – RCT Jan 2023
  35. Bile acids in fecal matter (related to colon cancer) 40 percent less if good Vitamin D – May 2016
  36. Book: Sunlight, UV, Vitamin D and Receptor, Skin and other Cancers - Dec 2020
  37. Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers are still strongly associated with low Vitamin D – Grant Jan 2020
  38. Cancer (colon, breast, lymph) survival about 2X better with high level vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2014
  39. Cancer and the Vitamin D Receptor, a primer – Sept 2017
  40. Cancer deaths strongly related to low vitamin D if sampled near time of diagnosis – Feb 2012
  41. Cancer patients 64% less likely to die if have high level of vitamin D – Dec 2011
  42. Cancers and Vitamin D Council
  43. Chemotheraphy not work as well with low Vitamin D (colon cancer this time) – Aug 2018
  44. China has documented that less UV results in more cancer – June 2010
  45. Colon cancer – how vitamin D prevents and treats it – Nov 2014
  46. Colon cancer – vitamin D, probiotics, and leptin might help – May 2015
  47. Colon Cancer 20 percent more likely if low Magnesium – Sept 2015
  48. Colon cancer 23 percent less likely if vitamin D levels higher than 30 ng – Dec 2013
  49. Colon cancer 25 percent less likely if consume Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, etc.– Nov 2018
  50. Colon Cancer 30 percent higher risk if low vitamin D (optimally need ~40 ng) – Feb 2019

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