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  1. Hypothesis Close focusing in the absence of UV light provoke myopia - 2007
  2. Macular Degeneration and vitamin D - 2007
  3. Myopic had a little less vitamin D - Thesis 2010
  4. vitamin D and vision - letter Mar 2011.PDF
  5. 2 Genes make AMD 6X more likely if low vitamin D - Aug 2015
  6. 3 ocular diseases are associated with low vitamin D – review April 2022
  7. Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Diet, bionome, Vitamin D, CBD, Avastin, etc
  8. Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Vitamin D - many studies
  9. All myopic children had less than 50 ng of vitamin D – March 2016
  10. All people with Cataracts had low vitamin D levels – April 2019
  11. An eye infection (non-infectious uveitis) 2X more likely if low vitamin D a year before – Meta-analysis Dec 2023
  12. An ocular disease can be associated with low vitamin D and 1 of 5 poor vitamin D genes – June 2022
  13. Astigmatism may be related to low Vitamin D
  14. Bulged cornea (Keratoconus) 2.9 X more likely if low vitamin D – April 2019
  15. Cancer deaths of senior women 60 percent more likely if low Vitamin D – March 2015
  16. Cataracts associated with low Omega-3, Vitamin D, etc – April 2017
  17. Cataracts prevented and perhaps treated by Vitamin D - 2015
  18. Diabetic Neuropathy sometimes can be reversed by vitamin D
  19. Diabetic Retinopathy 2 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Nov 2016
  20. Diabetic Retinopathy 27 percent more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2016
  21. Diabetic Retinopathy associated with low Vitamin D - many studies
  22. Diabetic Retinopathy twice as likely if a T2 Diabetic has low level of vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2017
  23. Diabetics have more retina problems as they have less vitamin D – Sept 2011
  24. Does less sun mean more Myopia - June 2022
  25. Dry eye decreased with weekly 50,000 IU vitamin D injection for 8 weeks – Sept 2017
  26. Dry eye treated equally well by Omega-3 and krill oil – RCT Nov 2016
  27. Dry eye treatment 20 percent better in those getting vitamin D supplements – Dec 2018
  28. Dry eyes associated with low vitamin D
  29. Dry eyes associated with low Vitamin D – meta-analysis May 2020
  30. Elevated Intraocular Pressure (leads to glaucoma) risk cut in half with lots of vitamin D - Jan 2023
  31. Eye cancer and UV – Review of controversy – Sept 2013
  32. Eye vitamin D may not be associated with blood VitD, but is associated with CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 – Nov 2019
  33. Eyes with open-angle glaucoma contain half as much Vitamin D – Sept 2021
  34. Glaucoma (POAG) risk is 2.1X higher if low vitamin D - Aug 2015
  35. Glaucoma 3.1 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D Receptor – Sept 2020
  36. Glaucoma risk increases 69 percent if very low vitamin D - Jan 2014
  37. Hypothesis: Dyslexia and low vitamin D - early 2013
  38. Hypothesis: Low vitamin D linked to Myopia
  39. Inflammation of middle eye (Anterior Uveitis) 3 times more likely if low vitamin D – Dec 2016
  40. Late stage AMD 2.2 more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2016
  41. Less High Myopia if high vitamin D (Korea) – Jan 2019
  42. Less myopia associated with work outdoors, less education, higher Vitamin D, higher lutein – Dec 2016
  43. LLLT reverses Age-related Macular Degeneration for a while - multiple studies
  44. Macula in eyes of seniors were 3.7X more likely to be thin if low vitamin D - July 2014
  45. Macular Degeneration (AMD) antioxidants treated by Vitamin D in the lab – Aug 2019
  46. Macular degeneration 4X more likely if low vitamin D and a particular gene – May 2013
  47. Macular Degeneration decreased with UV and perhaps Vitamin D genetics– Oct 2011
  48. Macular Degeneration Twin Study – Vitamin D reduced, smoking increased (by 13X in later study)
  49. Macular Degeneration with subretinal fibrosis strongly associated with low vitamin D – July 2013
  50. Male late stage Age-Related Macular Degeneration is strongly associated with low vitamin D – July 2014

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