The Role of Vitamin D in Alzheimer’s disease: Possible Genetic and Cell Signaling Mechanisms
Khanh Vinh Quốc Lu'o'ng, MD lng2687765 at
Lan Thi Hoàng Nguyễn, MD
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly individuals and is associated with progressive memory loss and cognitive dysfunction. A significant association between AD and low levels of vitamin D has been demonstrated.
Furthermore, vitamin D supplements appear to have a beneficial clinical effect on AD by
- regulating micro-RNA,
- enhancing toll-like receptors,
- modulating vascular endothelial factor expression,
- modulating angiogenin, and
- advanced glycation end products.
Vitamin D also exerts its effects on AD by
- regulating calcium-sensing receptor expression,
- enhancing amyloid-β peptides clearance,
- interleukin 10,
- downregulating matrix metalloproteinases,
- upregulating heme oxygenase 1, and
- suppressing the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate expression.
In conclusion, vitamin D may play a beneficial role in AD.
Calcitriol is the best vitamin D supplement for AD, because it is the active form of the vitamin D3 metabolite and modulates inflammatory cytokine expression.
Therefore, further investigation of the role of calcitriol in AD is needed.
Yes, the VitaminDWiki title is worded like the old advertisement:
Wonder Bread builds bodies in 12 ways
See also VitaminDWiki
- Alzheimer's Disease more likely with low vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2012
- Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D has the following summary
- FACT: Cognitive decline is 19X more likely if low vitamin D
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D levels.
- FACT: Alzheimer’s Dementia 2.3X more likely in elderly if low vitamin D – Dec 2022
- FACT: Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies
- FACT: Alzheimer's Disease is 4X less likely if high vitamin D
- FACT: Every single risk factor listed for Alzheimer's Disease is also a risk factor for low vitamin D levels
- FACT: Elderly cognition gets worse as the elderly vitamin D levels get even lower (while in senior homes)
- OBSERVATION: Reports of increased vitamin D levels result in improved cognition
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s patients 3X more likely to have a malfunctioning vitamin D receptor gene – 2012
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer's Disease has been seen to halt when vitamin D was added.
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s is associated with all 7 of the genes which restrict vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 39 vitamin D and Alz. or Cognition intervention trials as of Sept 2018
- OBSERVATION: 2 Meta-analysis in 2012 agreed that Alzheimer's Disease. associated with low vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: 50X increase in Alzheimer's while decrease in vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Vitamin D reduces Alzheimer’s disease in 11 ways
- OBSERVATION: Alzheimer’s cognition improved by 4,000 IU of vitamin D
- OBSERVATION: Plaque removed in mice by equiv. of 14,000 IU daily
- OBSERVATION: DDT (which decreases Vit D) increases risk of Alzheimer's by up to 3.8X
- OBSERVATION: 2% of people have 2 copies of the poor gene reference: Alz Org
- OBSERVATION: Genes do not change rapidly enough to account for the huge increase in incidence
- OBSERVATION: End of Alzheimer's videos, transcripts and many studies protocol has been very successful
- It adjusts Vitamin D, B-12, Iron, Omega-3, food, etc, and can now be done at home. $75/month.
- FACT: Vitamin D is extremely low cost and has very very few side effects
- CONCLUSION: Everyone concerned about cognitive decline or Alzheimer's Disease should take vitamin D
- PREDICTION MET: By 2024 Omega-3 and high dose Vitamin D will be found to reverse Alzheimer's in humans
There are 13+ Alzheimer’s meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki
There are 97+ Alzheimer’s studies in VitaminDWiki
Dementia is associated with low vitamin D - many studies 50+ studies
16+ studies in both categories Cognitive and Omega-3